Методические особенности и инновационный подход в обучении вокалу по методике Кэтрин Садолин Complete Vocal Technique (CVT)

Main Article Content

Rustina A. Zubova


The article highlights the methodological peculiarities and innovative approach to teaching vocal art according to the Complete Vocal Technique (CVT) method, stated in the book “Complete Vocal Techniqueˮ by teacher and voice researcher Kathrine Sadolin. The main attention is focused on the theoretical and methodological principles of developing vocal skills. The relevance of the article is due to the high popularization of Western vocal techniques based on the vocal apparatus scientific research, one of which is the “Complete Vocal Techniqueˮ. The purpose of the article is to analyze the CVT vocal technique described in the book by Kathrine Sadolin. It involves the theory and practice generalization, as well as the optimal sequence identification in teaching according to this method. The article presents recommendations for developing and obtaining one or another sound of the vocal apparatus (modes, sound coloring and effects); solves the tasks of considering and demonstrating the approaches of Kathrine Sadolin in teaching vocal skills; clarifies the peculiarities of the author’s terminology used in the sound extraction.

For collecting information in the work were used the following methods: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, as well as observation and generalization of pedagogical experience, evaluation and comparison of the educational process results.

The theoretical value of the article is determined by defining the specifics of the technologies used by the author; practical significance lies in identifying the prospects for introducing scientific developments in the students’ educational process.
The article is intended for pop-jazz vocals teachers, and will also be useful for pop vocal art students: amateurs and students of colleges and universities.

Keywords: Kathrine Sadolin’s teaching method “Complete Vocal Techniqueˮ, vocal training peculiarities, sound color, vocal modes, vocal effects.

Article Details

How to Cite
Zubova Р. А. (2022). Методические особенности и инновационный подход в обучении вокалу по методике Кэтрин Садолин Complete Vocal Technique (CVT). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 48(3), 163–175. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/1389
Musical Performance and Pedagogy
Author Biography

Rustina A. Zubova, Musical Art Department of the Institute of Culture and Art of the Moscow Pedagogical University, Moscow

Postgraduate Student at the Musical Art Department of the Institute of Culture and Art