On the History of Studying Belgorod Prioskolye Song Tradition

Main Article Content

Anastasiya B. Okhlobystina


The article is devoted to the history of studying one of the brightest folk-song traditions in the South of Russia – the tradition of the Belgorod Prioskolye. The author undertakes an excursion into the history of this region settlement. The first part of the article discusses materials that testify to the flows of migrants who arrived to develop the Belgorod border line in the 17th century. With the help of maps and charts, the author arranges information collected from various sources about the primary geographical location of migrants groups, their social affiliation, occupation, and cultural characteristics. The author emphasizes the importance of the two main migrant groups – servicemen, sent from Moscow, and the socially heterogeneous outgoing population from the southwestern territories of Tula Zasek. At the same time, the issue of the region place-name study, the origin of the settlements names is touched upon. The article second part highlights the issues related to the history of studying the local song tradition, the repertoire; fixes the chronology of musical publications and publications of audio materials recorded on vinyl records and CDs. The author takes into consideration both the works of the older generation of Moscow folklorists and the scientific developments of younger Voronezh ethnomusicologists.

Keywords: Belgorod Prioskolie, song tradition, local tradition, regional tradition, performing style.

Article Details

How to Cite
Okhlobystina А. Б. (2022). On the History of Studying Belgorod Prioskolye Song Tradition. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 48(3), 102–115. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/1383
Concerning the Issue of Folklore
Author Biography

Anastasiya B. Okhlobystina, Academic Music College attached to the Moscow State P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatoire, Moscow

Practical Training Head, Music Theory Teacher