Peculiarities of the Epilogue Implementation in the Works by Rodion Shchedrin

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Mariya V. Ladyka


The article examines the compositional and dramatic properties of the epilogue on the example of the works of R. Shchedrin. Three operas of the composer come into view (“Not only Loveˮ, “The Enchanted Wandererˮ and “Boyar Morozovaˮ), a ballet (“The Hunchback Horseˮ) and an oratorio (“Lenin in the People՚s Heartˮ).

The variety of substantive and structural solutions of the epilogue in these works nevertheless allows us to identify the main common features of this section and at the same time trace the features of the individual author՚s interpretation of the epilogue by Shchedrin. This refers to the method of correlation of the epilogue with the preceding final scene, as well as the principles of its relationship with the main action of the entire work. In the first case, attention is drawn to the manifestation of a dramatic turning point, as a result of which the epilogue creates the effect of emotional detachment, after the climax and denouement (often tragic) of the final scenes. This is facilitated by the change of dynamics to statics, the slowing down of the speed of the flow of artistic time, the emergence of a genre shift in the individual-personal or objective-mass side. In the second, the intonation–thematic and compositional-dramatic connections arising between the epilogue and the main action are emphasized through the use of methods of thematic integration and reminiscences, as well as arched connections of the extreme sections of the work.

From the point of view of the figurative and meaningful context, Shchedrin՚s writings trace the implementation of two characteristic types of epilogue: rejoicing and farewell. In conclusion, the article concludes about the significance of the epilogue for understanding the artistic concept of the work as a whole and in the opus considered՚ ah Rodion Shchedrin, in particular.

Keywords: epilogue, dramatic turning point, genre modulation, arched connections, the principle of reminiscence, the effect of detachment, the effect of inhibition, the semantics of farewell.

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How to Cite
Ladyka М. В. (2022). Peculiarities of the Epilogue Implementation in the Works by Rodion Shchedrin . Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 48(3), 26–40. Retrieved from
Artistic World of Musical Piece
Author Biography

Mariya V. Ladyka, Ufa State Zagir Ismagilov Institute of Arts, Ufa

Graduate student