Concerning the Problem of Maternal and Diaspora Folklore Traditions Comparative Studies (With Chuvash Musical Folklore Samples)

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Elena V. Fedotova


The article considers archive records of the 1983 musical-folklore expedition in the Krasonchetaiski district of Chuvash Republic. The article compares this material with the specimens of song folklore recorded in 2008 in Chuvash villages of Tarski and Muromtsevski districts of the Omsk region from the descendants of Chuvash migrants, who were the bearers of the same local traditions as identified in the Volga region. The aim of the present study is to compare maternal and diaspora folklore traditions that are divided by 25 years time period. Chuvash musical folklore of Krasonchetaiski district in 1983 was represented by the majority of traditional genres of song folklore inherent to the musical dialect of Verkhovykh Chuvashes. Performing a number of genres of calendar and family folklore, guest and lyrical songs as well as psaltery (gusli) playing are noticed. In 2008 in the Omsk region predominantly ethnographic information about the holidays and rites was recorded from the descendants of Chuvash migrants, while the song folklore was represented by a small number of samples. In the practice of passive storage there is the Pancake week (Maslenitsa), military recruitment, guest and lyrical songs. Its own important role plays the layer of genres adopted from the Russian musical culture (late tradition songs, ditties (chastushki), folklorized Orthodox chants. A few samples recorded in the Omsk region demonstrate stylistic patterns characteristic of the Chuvash song tradition, such as the pentatonic modal system, quantitative rhythm, monostrophic verse structures, and others.
It is evidence of the profound stability of traditions and their significance for Chuvash song culture, as well as of the existing Omsk region Chuvash song folklore connection with the Krasonchetaiski district of Chuvashia mainland tradition.

Keywords: Chuvash musical folklore, Siberian Chuvash song tradition, folklore diaspora, comparative studies in folklore.

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How to Cite
Ismagilova Е. И., & Fedotova Е. В. (2022). Concerning the Problem of Maternal and Diaspora Folklore Traditions Comparative Studies (With Chuvash Musical Folklore Samples). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 47(2), 137–146. Retrieved from
Musical Cultures of Russia
Author Biographies

Ekaterina I. Ismagilova

PhD (Arts), Senior Researcher, Folklore Sector of the Peoples of Siberia, Institute of Philology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Elena V. Fedotova, Chuvash State Institute for Humanitarian Studies, Cheboksary, Russian Federation

PhD (Philology), Issuing Editor of the Chuvash State Institute of Humanitarian Studies