Genesis and Existence of Mangistau and Kyzylorda Epic Traditions of Kazakhstan

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Almagul S. Sarymsakova


Voluminous in scale, rich from a poetic point of view the Kazakh epic is interesting for us first of all as an example of the musical culture of the people that is connected with the origin and instrumental accompaniment of its performing.

Large legends were originally based on some small traditional ritual genres, among which gained the wedding youth songs – “Zhar-zharˮ; the musical and song form and genre of the Kazakh recitative song warehouse – “Termeˮ; sad “Estirtuˮ (Message), “Kunil-aituˮ (Expression of condolences); “Arnauˮ  (Dedication) gained the greatest popularity among the Kazakhs.

The purpose of the article is to present an analysis of the genesis, social conditionality and local peculiarities of the two main major epic schools of Kazakhstan: Mangistau and Kyzylorda; determine the exact location of the territories on the map where are still functioning “zhyr” (epic), “zhyr-kuy” (small instrumental forms, that combine genre features of both the epic and the “Kuiˮ  (pieces, melodies which are performed on dombra and other musical instruments), “en-kuiˮ  (instrumental version of a song), “dastanˮ  (epic genre of folklore and literature).

The map is based on the studied recordings of Kazakh music researchers and on the information which was got during field expeditions for the journals of the Fund of Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatoire Folklore laboratory.

The work was carried out to verify the specified localities where music recordings were made with the modern regions of Kazakhstan and was determined the current location of these sources of folk music.

The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of modern places where the epic works with the Silk Road route.

Keywords: epic, genre, tradition, “zhyrˮ, “zhyr-kuiˮ, “en-kuiˮ, “dastanˮ, “Zhar-Zharˮ, “Termeˮ,  “Estirtuˮ, “Konil-aituˮ,  “Arnauˮ,  school, repertoire, history.

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How to Cite
Sarymsakova А. С. (2022). Genesis and Existence of Mangistau and Kyzylorda Epic Traditions of Kazakhstan. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 47(2), 127–136. Retrieved from
Area Studies in Music
Author Biography

Almagul S. Sarymsakova, Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy, Almaty, Kazakhstan

PhD (Arts), Associate Professor at the Musicology and Composition Department, Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory