Opera Performances in “Russian Seasons” by Sergey P. Diaghilev: N.A. Rimskiy-Korsakov

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Elena E. Potyarkina


The article is devoted to N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera music in “Russian Seasonsˮ by
S.P. Diaghilev. The importance of the composer՚s figure in forming Diaghilev՚s entreprise is emphasized. An active interaction, which began with preparing the Historical Concerts cycle, led to the emergence of the most interesting ideas. Plenty of works by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov subsequently appeared in the “Seasonsˮ, having received a stage embodiment. No small importance had the composer’s help in the work over M.P. Mussorgsky’s compositions. Despite some disagreements N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov’s and S.P. Diaghilev’s creative dialogue was very productive.

The main purpose of this work is to highlight the productions in the “Russian Seasonsˮ of Rimsky-Korsakov՚s operas, as well as performances of other genres based on them. The article considers examples of various embodiments of the musical source, from traditional productions to radical versions. Thanks to Diaghilev՚s entreprise, such operas as “The Maid of Pskovˮ (Diagilev՚s “Ivan the Terribleˮ) and “May Nightˮ were presented in Europe for the first time. Special attention is paid to the innovative version of “The Golden Cockerelˮ and to the use of music from the opera “The Snow Maidenˮ to create the ballet “Midnight Sunˮ. It is also noted the inclusion of fragments from Rimsky-Korsakov՚s operas into composite performances and concert programs.

Keywords: S. Diaghilev, N. Rimsky-Korsakov, “Russian Seasonsˮ, Russian opera, operas by
N. Rimsky-Korsakov.

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How to Cite
Potyarkina Е. Е. (2022). Opera Performances in “Russian Seasons” by Sergey P. Diaghilev: N.A. Rimskiy-Korsakov. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 47(2), 119–126. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/1363
Musical Theater
Author Biography

Elena E. Potyarkina, Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatoire, Moscow, Russia

PhD (Arts), Associate Professor at the History of Russian Music Department, Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatoire