The Manuscript Legacy of Russian Choral Baroque Music: Concertos for 3-6 Parts

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Irina V. Gerasimova


The article firstly comprehends the manuscript heritage of Russian choral polyphonic music
of the second half of the XVII–XVIII centuries, written for a small composition for three-six parts. The source database, that is collected from Russian and foreign libraries and archives and is included eighty six sets of polyphonic parts, is analyzed and typologized. The article considers next types of choral sets: mono-genre and multi-genre, monophonic and polyphonic, standard manuscripts and unique ones, which contain rare, identified by single copies of works. In the process of studying, it was found out that the type of the collection was formed from three, four and five-parts concertos; six-parts works, with rare exceptions, were included into the polyphonic parts. Unique works are contained in convolutes. They are music notebooks and different time separate sheets of papers. In them we meet concertos of composers of the Kiev Metropolia of the 2nd half of the XVII century: Jan Kalenda, Eliseusz Brodowski, Liverev, Mikhail Zaslavsky, Zamarevich, Tomasz Sheverowski and Arseny Cybulsky, as well as Jacek Ruzhicki, the regent of the Polish chapel. The work traces the repertoire evolution, its renewal and related historical and musical activities. The manuscripts of the last quarter of the XVII – the first half of the XVIII centuries are the most typical, they are based on Nikolai Diletsky’s and Vasily Titov’s works. From the second quarter of the XVIII century to the middle one, the process of updating the repertoire in sets of concertos for three – six parts takes place due to the appearance of new music centers and new composer names, such as Rostov protodeacon Andrei Gavrilovich and Fyodor Redrikov. At the same time, the concertos of the previous generation composers are actively edited and creatively reworked.

Keywords: polyphonic concertos, Baroque era, singing heritage of the Kiev metropolis, repertoire, choral parts for 3–6 voices.

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How to Cite
Gerasimova И. В. . (2022). The Manuscript Legacy of Russian Choral Baroque Music: Concertos for 3-6 Parts. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 46(1), 62–70. Retrieved from
Sacred Music
Author Biography

Irina V. Gerasimova, Pskov State University, Pskov, Russia

Irina V. Gerasimova, PhD (Arts), PhD (History), Associate Professor at the Philosophy and Theology Department of the Historical Faculty, Pskov State University