S. Prokofiev’s Activities in Kazakhstan (1942–1943)

Main Article Content

Madina B. Kapeu-Kokhanova
Dana Zh. Zhumabekova


The central part of the article occupies Sergey Prokofiev’s creative work in Kazakhstan evacuation. Its aim of the article is to enlarge the idea of the composerʼs activities due to the study of materials related to the period of his staying in Almaty during the Great Patriotic War; to determine some common aesthetic and methodological principles, which he relied on in his creative work.

The article discloses the peculiarities of S. Prokofiev’s work with the director S. Eisenstein over the music for the film “Ivan the Terrible” (applying the storyboard method); attention is paid to S. Prokofiev’s cooperation with Kazakhstan composer V. Velikanov, in particular, it is talking about his helping in arranging the opera score “War and Peace”. The article touches upon the works by S. Prokofiev composed on the basis of Kazakh folklore. The history of appearing an unfinished opera “Khan Buzai” reveals S. Prokofiev’s long-time interest to the Kazakh folk music.

By addressing to the collections of Kazakh folklore the composer made his own classification of songs for opera which he had chosen himself. Arranging by S. Prokofiev folklore theme to a particular group in most cases does not conflict with the remarks of the of folk melodies collector A.V. Zаtaevich.

In the unfinished opera conception “Khan Buzai”, based on the comic plot, are presented the steps of the composer, starting from the libretto plan to his verbal design and further to a musical solution.

The material for creating the article became archival sources firstly introduced into scientific field. The study of the chosen theme required a deep analysis of S. Prokofiev’s Personal Fund in the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RSALA). These are they that determined the source-study profile of this article.

The invaluable documentary evidence was the correspondence of S. Prokofiev with many art workers (S. Eisenstein, V. Velikanov, N. Messkovsky) and his memories of working with
S. Eisenstein over the film “Ivan the Terrible”, as well as photo materials.

Keywords: Great Patriotic War, evacuation, Kazakhstan, S. Prokofiev, S. Aizenstein, V. Velikanov, film, opera, kazakh folklore.

Article Details

How to Cite
Kapeu-Kokhanova М. Б., & Zhumabekova Д. Ж. (2022). S. Prokofiev’s Activities in Kazakhstan (1942–1943). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 46(1), 18–27. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/1334
To S. Prokofiev Anniversary
Author Biographies

Madina B. Kapeu-Kokhanova, Kazakh National University of Arts, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

Madina B. Kapeu-Kokhanova, Senior Lecturer, PhD Student at the Violin Department

Dana Zh. Zhumabekova, Kazakh National University of Arts, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

Dana Zh. Zhumabekova, DrSci (Arts), Professor at the Violin Department