Concerning the History of Moscow Singing Revival of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Second Half of the 20th Century

Main Article Content

Tatyana A. Starostina


The article is devoted to the process of the revival of the Russian church singing tradition in the period from the restoration of the patriarchate (1943) to the beginning of the post-Soviet stage of Russian history (1990). The development of liturgical and singing culture is traced during the stay of Sergius (Starogorodsky), Alexy I (Simansky) and Pimen (Izvekov) on the Patriarchal throne. The article lists the names of the choir conductors who continued their kliros service in the Moscow churches that escaped the closure, and defines their main achievements. The tendencies of church choral culture inheriting from pre-revolutionary singing traditions are characterized. Presented are the testimonies of singers and choir directors who were directly involved in the restoration of the tradition of church choral singing. The author emphasizes the thesis about the importance of the position of priests in relation to the singing component of liturgy. The musical literacy of priests and archpastors played a great role in the revival of the singing tradition of the Church. The article focuses on the problem of the development of the liturgical singing tradition in the conditions of the dominance of atheistic ideology. The conclusion is made about the gradual entry of the spiritual repertoire into the concert life of Soviet Russia as a significant layer of the national musical culture. The priorities in the field of the church choral repertoire are determined; the first positions in it were occupied by the legacy of the composers of the Moscow school at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries. The ways of penetration of liturgical music into the secular artistic environment are revealed. The importance of the sound recordings made for the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus is emphasized. The ways of penetration of liturgical music into the secular artistic environment are revealed.

Keywords: church singing tradition, choir conductor, liturgical repertoire, sacred music, choral culture, choir service.

Article Details

How to Cite
Starostina Т. А. (2021). Concerning the History of Moscow Singing Revival of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Second Half of the 20th Century. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 45(4), 140–153. Retrieved from
Sacred Music
Author Biography

Tatyana A. Starostina, Moscow State P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory

DrSci (Arts), Acting Professor at the History of Russian Music Department