S.Ye. Feinberg and Chuvash Folklore: About the Collection Twenty Five Chuvash Songs

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Lubov I. Bushueva


Appealing of famous Moscow composer and pianist S.Ye. Feinberg to the Chuvash folklore led to the emergence of vocal-instrumental collection of elaborations «Twenty Five Chuvash Songs». The songs, diverse in content and genre, are conventionally grouped into four sections: lyrical, guest, songs (melodies) with new lyrics and songs of old life. The purpose of the article is to identify the originality of S. Feinbergʼs approach to Chuvash folklore and the novelty of used musical and expressive means. The composition played the notable role in the composer’s creative evolution – both in part of impact of Chuvash melody on vocal style and in beneficial influence on creative work in general.

Keywords: S.Ye. Feinberg, vocal collection «Twenty Five Chuvash Songs», Chuvash musical folklore, method of folklore implementation.

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How to Cite
Bushueva Л. И. (2021). S.Ye. Feinberg and Chuvash Folklore: About the Collection Twenty Five Chuvash Songs. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 45(4), 123–129. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/1314
Russian Music History
Author Biography

Lubov I. Bushueva, Chuvash State Institute of Humanitarian Sciences

PhD (Arts), Senior Scientific Worker at the Art Criticism Department