Claude Debussy

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Leonid L. Sabaneyev


The published material represents the first part of Sabaneyevʼs scientific work “Claude Debussy”, published in 1922 by the publishing house “Worker of Education” is offered. It is one of the earlest extremely interesting work about Debussy in Russia. It is distinguished by the originality of the authorʼs position, “musicality” and literary style elegance.

Sabaneev creates a voluminous K. Debussy’s creative portrait: he thinks over the composerʼs aesthetic attitudes, ideas, moods, and the range of images that determined the individuality of the composerʼs style and wider – the composer’s music. Debussyʼs style is considered in the context of the predecessors’ influences, contemporaries and various national schools. The researcherʼs field of view includes the features of form, melody, harmony, and Debussyʼs instrumentation. The interpretation of various instruments both solo (voice, piano), and in an ensemble (string ensemble), orchestra is in the same row.

The stylistic and spelling features of original text are completely preserved.

Keywords: Leonid Sabaneyev, Claude Debussy, history of national musicology, impressionism and Russian music

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How to Cite
Sabaneyev Л. Л. (2021). Claude Debussy. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 45(4), 47–57. Retrieved from
From the History of Domestic Thought about Music
Author Biography

Leonid L. Sabaneyev

Leonid Leonidovich Sabaneyev (1881–1968) was a Russian musicologist, composer, and music critic. Russian Russian composer is the author of works on the general history
of music, the history of Russian music, research on Richard Wagner, Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel, Alexander Scriabin, Russian composers of the early XX century. One of the founders of the State Institute of Musical Sciences (ANTHEM), a full member of the Music Section
of the Academy of Artistic Sciences and President of the Association of Contemporary Music
in Moscow. Professor Rachmaninov Russian Conservatory in Paris.