Sergei Prokofiev – Sergei Slonimsky: Literary Parallels

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Elena B. Dolinskaya


The article is devoted to the literary heritage of S. Prokofiev and S. Slonimsky. The attention is focused on Slonimskyʼs long-standing interest to the work of his idol, Sergei Prokofiev, whom he devotes his first major research work. Later, the name of this composer will pass through a number of his literary opus, and will also be reflected in “Two Fleeting Moments” for piano, created to the master’s anniversary in 2006.

The purpose of the article is to outline the parallels between Sergei Prokofiev’s and Sergei Slonimsky’s literary works. The material was served the composers’ diaries, autobiographical editions and other literary works. The analysis of the sources showed that for both musicians, literary sketches evolve from a description of an event, important or not, to deep emotional reflections, generalizations; both authors often use the portrait as a means of artistic characterization to recreate the object of interest.

In numerous dialogical episodes of Prokofiev’s and Slonimsky’s diaries, the characterological traits of the authors themselves are clearly visible, where the satirical component also plays a certain role. In the literary writing technique both authors used keywords, text refrains, nominative sentences.

Keywords: Sergei Prokofiev, Sergei Slonimsky, literature, heritage, books, diaries, autobiography, stories, portraits, essays, letters, poetry, prose, technique.

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How to Cite
Dolinskaya . Е. Б. (2021). Sergei Prokofiev – Sergei Slonimsky: Literary Parallels. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 45(4), 7–19. Retrieved from
To S. Prokofiev Anniversary
Author Biography

Elena B. Dolinskaya, Moscow P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory

Elena B. Dolinskaya, DrSci (Arts), Professor