The Specific Features of the Presentation of the Spatial-Temporal Forms of Minimalism in Music

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Elena Y. Serova


In the article the author demonstrates the specificity of the presentation of the spatial-temporal parameters of minimalism in the music of composers John Cage, Terry Riley, Steve Reich and Philip Glass. Such typical techniques of the minimalists are marked out as repetition, the technique of repetitive canons on a set of patterns combined with the aleatory technique, the technique of “phased shifts,” the loop tape technique, addition, augmentation, rhythmic structuring, the method of binary oppositions, the potential of silence, etc. they make it possible to achieve the most diverse effects in the presentation of the spatial-temporal forms of organization of musical material. Minimalist musical compositions are characterized by a new perception of form-generation, the presence of musical processes in time and space in open forms, active usage of static time and space, expansion and contraction of temporal space, as well as the change of its single-vector directedness.

Keywords: musical minimalism, pattern, repetitive technique

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How to Cite
Serova, E. Y. (2013). The Specific Features of the Presentation of the Spatial-Temporal Forms of Minimalism in Music. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 114–118. Retrieved from
Music Theory
Author Biography

Elena Y. Serova, National Academy of Managers of Personnel of Cultire and the Arts

Assistant Professor at the Department of Popular Music Performance, post-graduate student of the Department
of Music Theory, History, Culture and Musicology


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