Preparing the Vocal Apparatus for Classes as a Singer's Training Problem

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Yu Ping


Exercises to prepare the vocal apparatus for singing, “preparation for singing”, are the most important condition for the success of teaching solo singing. This fact is generally recognized: such exercises have been sung by all vocalists for many centuries. However, in the scientific and educational literature, this most important aspect of the singerʼs work has not received proper coverage. An analysis of the most famous vocal schools and collections of exercises showed that “preparation for singing”, as a rule, are not considered in them. As a result, the preparation of the singing apparatus for everyday classes in vocal pedagogy is understood only on an empirical level. The lack of serious scientific analysis has led to the fact that exercises for the development of vocal technique are not differentiated from “preparation for singing”, and even form a syncretic unity with them. Meanwhile, “preparation for singing” are not a formal attribute in the vocalistʼs professional activity. The effectiveness of classes depends on them. Moreover, “preparation for singing”, determining the readiness of the vocal apparatus for singing, can affect the success of a concert performance. At the same time, they do not constitute a fixed set of habitual exercises, but require a special approach to their use in the educational process. Its specificity is determined both by the content of the set of exercises, and by the special organization of their implementation.

Keywords: vocalist training, vocal exercises, preparation for singing, preparation of the singing apparatus for classes.

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How to Cite
Юй Пин. (2021). Preparing the Vocal Apparatus for Classes as a Singer’s Training Problem. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 43(2), 127–138. Retrieved from
Music Pedagogy and Methodology
Author Biography

Yu Ping, Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture Belgorod, Russia

Yu Ping (PRC – Peopleʼs Republic of China), singer, post-graduate student in the Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture