Composer Telling About His Own Life Creative Work by the Language of Music

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Mariia S. Romanets


The subject of researching in the article is a musical autobiography, which is one of the genre varieties of autobiographical compositions. The autobiography, typical of art in general, let hear from itself in the 20th century, which resulted in a number of works where the author consciously and deliberately “is present” as the main character. Such opuses are the result of personal introspection, perception and assessment of oneself as a person and as an artist and serve as a kind of mirror of the author’s life creative work. The analytical sketches “Lebenslauf” by A. Schnittke and “Metamusics” by V. Silvestrov, presented in the article, enable to reveal the peculiarities of musical autobiography, where composers, in contrast to its “traditional” variety, speak the language of music. For some artists, self-understanding lies exclusively in the essence of creative processes, while for others, a personal, existential commencement predominates.

The yardstick and instrument of self-representation are quotations from their own and other peopleʼs works, which musically “document” the authors’ life. The problem of text borrowings and self-borrowings, which serve as the main way of implementing a conceptual artistic idea obtain particular relevance in connection with the point previously mentioned.

Keywords: musical autobiography, A. Schnittke, V. Silvestrov, quotation, author quotation, self-borrowing, autobiography

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How to Cite
Romanets М. С. . (2021). Composer Telling About His Own Life Creative Work by the Language of Music. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 43(2), 98–107. Retrieved from
Artistic World of Musical Piece
Author Biography

Mariia S. Romanets, Donetsk State S.S. Prokofiev Music Academy, Donetsk, Ukraine

Mariia S. Romanets, Ph. D. (Arts), Senior Lecturer at the History, Theory of Music and Composition Department of the State Educational Organization of Higher Professional Education, Donetsk State S.S. Prokofiev Music Academy