Musical Text as an Integral Information Structure of Virtual Reality

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Irina A. Brodova


The author believes that a unified approach to comprehending a musical text is possible if we consider it as an integral information structure of virtual reality and as an external form of a dialogue of cosmic consciousnesses arising on the basis of the universal experience of cognizing the information essence of the Universe. The ground for the information approach is given by modern philosophy, which relates information to the same attributes of matter as substance, energy, space and time. Such an approach opens the way to the virtual reality of a musical text hidden from direct observation. The author is convinced of existing such a specific musical-informational field as melos, which is at odds with its generally accepted interpretation. The article suggests that the information approach helps to overcome the defragmentation of its interpretation and explains the nature of the interaction of a musical text with other types of literary texts, more broadly with all functional and semantic types of speech, including “real world texts”.

Keywords: musical text, virtual reality, typology of virtual realities of musical text, informational nature of melos, isomorphism of musical notation, basic principles of subordination of sheet music signs.

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How to Cite
Brodova И. А. (2021). Musical Text as an Integral Information Structure of Virtual Reality. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 43(2), 49–57. Retrieved from
History and Theory of Music
Author Biography

Irina A. Brodova, Yaroslavl State Drama Institute, Yaroslavl, Russia

Irina A. Brodova, Ph.D. (Arts), Professor at the Special Disciplines Department, Head of the Special Disciplines Department, Head of the Music Education Section, Yaroslavl State Drama Institute