The Stylistic Features of the Tambov Folk Singing Tradition Stylistic Features of the Tambov Folk Singing Tradition (On the Example of the Genre of the Folk Verse)

Main Article Content

Maria V. Drutskaya


The article presents analyses of the regional folk singing tradition
of the Tambov Region in Russia during the period of the early
21st century. The main attention is directed at the genre of the
sacred verse as the most preserved type of genre, which is
examined in a new historical context. Retrospective analysis of
study of the Tambov folk singing tradition has shown that the
local melodies of the sacred verse have not been studied prior
by folklorists. Having been engaged during the course of several
decades in collecting folk verses and deciphering them, the writer
of the article received a multitude of materials for observation of
the peculiar traits of the genre and came to the conclusion that
as the result of the transformation of the Tambov folk singing
tradition and notwithstanding the general irreversible processes
of its fading away, the genre of the folk verse has not only been
preserved but is being successfully developed. On its example
the overall description is presented of the stylistic features of the
Tambov folk singing tradition: heterogeneity of the local system
that combines the features of folk cultures of the adjacent regions;
the presence of three types of texts – unwritten, notated and oral;
interaction with other poetical and song genres: a closeness to the
genres of folk music, church and classical musical traditions; the
female and male forms of performance.

Keywords: the Tambov folk singing tradition, the genre of
the folk verse, the folk music of Russia

Article Details

How to Cite
Drutskaya, M. V. (2013). The Stylistic Features of the Tambov Folk Singing Tradition Stylistic Features of the Tambov Folk Singing Tradition (On the Example of the Genre of the Folk Verse). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 105–108. Retrieved from
Sacred Music
Author Biography

Maria V. Drutskaya, Tambov State Musical-Pedagogical S.V. Rachmaninoff Institute

Post-graduate student of the Department
of Musical Pedagogy and Artistic Education


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