Professor S. A. Kondratiev’s Vocal and Pedagogical Principles

Main Article Content

Konstantin G. Moskalev
Dmitry N. Semkin


The relevance of the article is determined by its dedication to the memory of the outstanding vocal teacher of the Chuvash Republic, the Volga region and Russia, Honored Activist of Arts of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Chuvash Republic, Professor S.A. Kondratiev (1938–2020). The aim of the work was to systematize the main vocal and pedagogical principles, views and methodological guidelines of the teacher, developed over many years of work in the pedagogical field. The article contains some information from the biography of S.A. Kondratiev, information about his most famous students. The teacher’s pedagogical principles in the field of singing breathing are considered in details, the exercises used by him for the “forced” development of breathing in novice students are given. S.A. Kondratiev's approaches to the proper functioning of the larynx in singing are described. Its relation to the use of resonators is revealed. Attention is paid to the application of the principle of gradual and consistent voice development by S.A. Kondratiev when working with university students, and in the end conclusions are drawn about the relationship of Professor S.A. Kondratievʼs methodology with the Italian and Russian singing schools. This article will undoubtedly be useful for vocal teachers, students of vocal educational institutions, as well as students of the history of vocal art.

Keywords: history of vocal art, vocal pedagogy, vocal education, vocal teaching methods

Article Details

How to Cite
Moskalev К. Г., & Semkin Д. Н. (2021). Professor S. A. Kondratiev’s Vocal and Pedagogical Principles. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 42(1), 158–168. Retrieved from
Music Education in Russian Regions
Author Biographies

Konstantin G. Moskalev, Chuvash State University named by I.N. Ulyanov, Cheboksary, Russia

Konstantin G. Moskalev, Senior Lecturer at the Vocal Art Department, Chuvash State I.N. Ulyanov University

Dmitry N. Semkin, Chuvash State University named by I.N. Ulyanov, Cheboksary, Russia

Dmitry N. Semkin, Head of the Vocal Art Department, Chuvash State I.N. Ulyanov University