Ideological and Semantic Functions of the Path Motive in Mikhail Glinka's opera "А Life for the Tsar"

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Marina A. Sidorova


The analysis of the ideological and semantic organization of the plot is a necessary condition for the study of opera as an artistic whole. The ideological and semantic structures of the opera plot are concentrated in motives that are different in rank, volume and artistic modality. In the opera “А Life for the Tsar” M.I. Glinka one of the ideologically significant and semantically capacious plot motives is the motive of the path. Its meaningful and functional meanings are revealed by the author based on the provisions developed in the modern theory of literature. In the opera “A Life for the Tsar”, the motive of the path is presented in a variety of species variations, modes of functioning and semantic meanings. It appears initially in the form of a convoluted semanticstructure and in the course of the development of the plot receives a differentiated development and forms a harmonious system of figurative and logical-semantic connections. The motive of the path covers the different-level structural units of the opera plot: events, characters, spatio-temporal phenomena. These objects, in accordance with their plot and functional status, represent genetically and typologically different versions of the path motive. The variety of meaningful parameters of the path motive determines its ability to generate multiple semantic layers of the plot and, in general, to form the ideo- and semiosphere of the artistic space of the work.

Keywords: Mikhail Glinka, opera “Life for the Tsar”, plot, the motive of the path, the artistic world of the opera.

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How to Cite
Sidorova М. А. (2021). Ideological and Semantic Functions of the Path Motive in Mikhail Glinka’s opera "А Life for the Tsar". Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 42(1), 55–62. Retrieved from
History and Theory of Music
Author Biography

Marina A. Sidorova, Magnitogorsk State M.I. Glinka Conservatory (Academy) Magnitogorsk, Russia

Marina A. Sidorova, Ph.D. (Arts), Associate Professor at the Department of History and Theory Music, Magnitogorsk State M.I. Glinka Conservatory (Academy)