Individual Features of an Oral Tradition of Liturgical Service in the Community of the Russian Orthodox Christian Old-Believers’ Church in Tomsk

Main Article Content

Olga A. Svetlova


The article pertains to one of the relevant directions in the
studies of Russian medieval music, connected with the research
of the liturgical church singing culture of the Old-Believers of
Siberia, the continuity and the level of preservation of the notated
and oral tradition. The object of the research is the church singing
practice of the community of the Russian Orthodox Christian
Old-Believers’ Church in Tomsk. It is focused on the chants of the
service to the Old-Believers’ saint, martyr and confessor Tikhon,
the Bishop of Tomsk and the Altai Region, which were written
down by the author of the article in 2012. The analysis of the
comparative scores of the syllabic chants and the specimens of
the early Russian “kryukovye” or hooked notation, as well as the
orally disseminated versions made it possible to reveal a whole
set of specific features of the Tomsk local musical tradition. The
diverse forms of chants at the church service predominate over
the read texts. In comparison with the precise retransmission of
the neumatic chants, testifying of a high level of professional
skills on the part of the church singers, the oral forms of singing
differ by a greater variability in regards to the canonic specimen.
Many of the changes of the chants in terms of intonation and
style take place as a result of a strong influence of the “napevka”
or incantation. The established singing by rote of “one’s own”
customary version of the specimen generates in the context of the
church service several variants of the reading of one and the same
monadic model. In the choral chants performed by the “napevka”
or incantation (on the formulaic “poglasitsa” or melodic formula
in church service “Svete tikhiy” [“Quiet Light”], “Velichit dusha
moya Gospoda” [“My Sould Doth Magnify the Lord,” stikharas
for the “samoglasen,” etc.) a systemic presence of sections of
textural and melodic poly-strata have been discovered. The
elucidation of the genesis of the Tomsk church singing tradition
made it possible to utter the hypothesis about the integration
within it of various local sources pertaining to one confessional
group: the Bolshoye Plosskoye village in the Odessa Region,
the convents of Myass and the preserved musical tradition from
Tomsk itself.
The totality of the revealed qualities in the broadest sense is
defined as the “Tomsk napevka,” the study of which opens up the
perspectives of further research in the sphere of Siberian church

Keywords: the Siberian Old-Believers, the Russian Orthodox
Christian Old-Believers’ Church of the city of Tomsk, liturgical
service, oral local church singing tradition, napevka

Article Details

How to Cite
Svetlova, O. A. (2013). Individual Features of an Oral Tradition of Liturgical Service in the Community of the Russian Orthodox Christian Old-Believers’ Church in Tomsk. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 94–99. Retrieved from
Sacred Music
Author Biography

Olga A. Svetlova, The Novosibirsk State M. I. Glinka Conservatory

Candidate of Arts, Pro-Rector for Research
and Creative Work, Assistant Professor
at the Music History Department


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