“I have Always Considered Myself a Music Historian”: Commemorating the Anniversary of E.A. Gippius

Main Article Content

Ekaterina A. Dorokhova
Olga A. Pashina


The article was written in honor of the 110th anniversary of
the greatest Russian ethnomusicologist, Evgeny Gippius.
The materials for this article were comprised by the archival
documents from the funds of the State Institute for Art Studies,
the Institute of Russian Literature affiliated with the Russian
Academy of Sciences, and the Moscow State Conservatory. The
article contains little known facts from the scholar’s biography:
information about his family, education, the various spheres of
his activity, including those in Leningrad during the blockade,
his international scholarly contacts, etc. The authors of the article
present a short overview of Gippius’ main research positions,
at the core of which lies an examination of folk music as an
inseparable part of overall music history. Gippius is a founder
of structural-typological, regional and areal research in Russian
folk music studies. A considerable amount of input on the part
of the musician into music scholarship was the theory of folklore
genres created by him. The authors of the article examine the
methodology developed by him of work carried out during
musical expeditions as the most important and the definitive
stage of scholarly research. Gippius’ name is connected with
the formation of one of the relevant directions in contemporary
music scholarship – practical ethnomusicology, which is based on
experimental verification of researchers’ hypotheses.

Keywords: Evgeny Gippius, ethnomusicology, structuraltypological
research, musical arealogy, the theory of folklore

Article Details

How to Cite
Dorokhova, E. A., & Pashina, O. A. (2013). “I have Always Considered Myself a Music Historian”: Commemorating the Anniversary of E.A. Gippius. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 56–62. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/117
Commemorating the Anniversary of Evgeny Gippius
Author Biographies

Ekaterina A. Dorokhova, State Institute for Art Studies

Candidate of Arts,
Senior Research Assistant

Olga A. Pashina, State Institute for Art Studies

Doctor of Arts,
Research Secretary


1. Gippius E. V. Avtobiografiya [Autobiography]. Arkhiv Gosudarstvennogo instituta iskusstvoznaniya. Lichnoe delo E. V. Gippiusa [Archives of the State Institute of Art Studies. Dossier of Gippius E.].
2. Gippius E.V. Vystuplenie na zasedanii Fol’klornoy komissii Soyuza kompozitorov RSFSR 5 dekabrya 1980 g. [Speech at the Folklore Commission of the Composers’ Union of the Russian Federation Dec. 5, 1980]. Fonogrammarkhiv Instituta russkoy literatury Rossiyskoy akademii nauk. Fond OKMF [Phonogram Archive of the Institute for Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Fund OKMF].
3. Gippius E. V. Vystuplenie na otchetno-ekspeditsionnoy sessii Fol’klornoy komissii Soyuza kompozitorov RSFSR 1978 g. [Speech on the Session for Expeditionary Reports of the Folk Music Commission of the Composers’ Union of the RSFSR in 1978]. Fonogrammarkhiv Instituta russkoy literatury Rossiyskoy akademii nauk. Fond OKMF [[Phonogram Archive of the Institute for Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Fund OKMF].
4. Gippius E. V. Dokladnaya zapiska ot 6 fevralya 1944 goda [Memorandum of February 6, 1944]. Arkhiv Kabineta narodnoy muzyki Moskovskoy gosudarstvennoy konservatorii im. P. Chaykovskogo [Archive of the Cabinet for Folk Music of the Moscow State P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory].
5. Gippius E. V. Lektsiya v Moskovskoy gosudarstvennoy konservatorii 5 maya 1945 g. Stenogramma [Lecture at the Moscow State Conservatory on May 5, 1945 Transcript]. Arkhiv Kabineta narodnoy muzyki Moskovskoy gosudarstvennoy konservatorii im. P. Chaykovskogo [Archive of the Cabinet for Folk Music of the Moscow State P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory].
6. Gippius E. V. Problemy sobiraniya i izucheniya traditsionnogo i sovremennogo pesennogo iskusstva i instrumental’noy muzyki narodov Povolzh’ya: stenogramma doklada na konferentsii «Vzaimosvyazi traditsionnogo muzykal’nogo iskusstva narodov Povolzh’ya» (Cheboksary, 24–27 marta 1975) [Problems of Collection and Study of Traditional and Contemporary Singing and Instrumental Music of the Peoples of the Volga Region: Transcript of Report at the Conference “Interconnections of Traditional Music of the Peoples of the Volga Region” (Cheboksary, March 24–27, 1975)]. Fonogrammarkhiv Instituta russkoy literatury Rossiyskoy akademii nauk. Fond OKMF [Phonogram Archive of the Pushkin House of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Fund OKMF].
7. Gippius E. V. Ritual’nye instrumental’nye naigryshi medvezh’ego prazdnika obskikh ugrov [Ritual Instrumental Melodies Related to the Bear Holiday of Ugric peoples in the Ob Region]. Narodnye muzykal’nye instrumenty i instrumental’naya muzyka [Folk Musical Instruments and Instrumental Music]. Part. 2 / Ed. I. V. Matsievskiy. Moscow, 1988, pp. 164–175.
8. Stenogramma obsuzhdeniya doklada B. M. Dobrovol’skogo “O printsipakh taktirovaniya russkikh narodnykh pesen” na zasedanii Leningradskogo otdeleniya Soyuza kompozitorov RSFSR 14 fevralya 1975 g. [Transcript of the Discussion of B. Dobrovolsky’s Report, “On the Principles of Russian Folk Song Transcriptions” at the Session of the Leningrad Section of the Composers’ Union of the RSFSR. February 14, 1975]. Fonogrammarkhiv Instituta russkoy literatury Rossiyskoy akademii nauk. Fond OKMF [Phonogram Archive of the Institute for Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Fund OKMF].
9. Stenogramma obsuzhdeniya doklada S. N. Kondrat’evoy “K voprosu o yuzhnorusskikh pesennykh dialektakh” na zasedanii Fol’klornoy komissii Soyuza kompozitorov RSFSR v aprele 1973 g. [Transcript of the Discussion of S. Kondratieva’s Report “On the Dialects of the Southern Russian Songs” at the Session of the Folk Music Commission of the Composers’ Union of the RSFSR in April 1973]. Fonogrammarkhiv Instituta russkoy literatury Rossiyskoy akademii nauk. Fond OKMF [Phonogram Archive of the Institute for Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Fund OKMF].
10. Stenogramma obsuzhdeniya muzykal’no-etnograficheskogo kontserta 1972 g. na zasedanii Fol’klornoy komissii Soyuza kompozitorov RSFSR 17 yanvarya 1973 g. [Transcript of the Discussion on the Ethnographic Musical Concert in 1972 at the Session of the Folk Music Commission of the Composers’ Union of the RSFSR, January 17, 1973]. Fonogrammarkhiv Instituta russkoy literatury Rossiyskoy akademii nauk. Fond OKMF [Phonogram Archive of the Institute for Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Fund OKMF].
11. Stenogramma obsuzhdeniya otcheta I. A. Brodskogo ob ekspeditsii k khantam i mansi na zasedanii Fol’klornoy komissii Soyuza kompozitorov RSFSR 21 maya 1976 g. [Transcript of the Discussion of I. Brodsky’s Report on the Expedition to the Khanty and Mansi at the Session of the Folk Music Commission of the Composers’ Union of the RSFSR, May 21, 1976]. Fonogrammarkhiv Instituta russkoy literatury Rossiyskoy akademii nauk. Fond OKMF [Phonogram Archive of the Institute for Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Fund OKMF].
12. Stenogramma obsuzhdeniya otcheta M. A. Engovatovoy ob ekspeditsii v Ul’yanovskuyu oblast’ na zasedanii Fol’klornoy komissii Soyuza kompozitorov RSFSR v marte 1977 g. [Transcript of the Discussion of M. Engovatova’s Report of the Expedition to the Ulyanovsk Region at the Session of the Folk Music Commission of the Composers’ Union of the RSFSR in March 1977]. Fonogrammarkhiv Instituta russkoy literatury Rossiyskoy akademii nauk. Fond OKMF [Phonogram Archive of the Institute for Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Fund OKMF].
13. Stenogramma obsuzhdeniya otcheta T. V. Karnaukh ob ekspeditsii v Vitebskuyu i Pskovskuyu oblasti na zasedanii Fol’klornoykomissii Soyuza kompozitorov RSFSR v marte 1977 g. [Transcript of the Discussion of T. Karnaukh’s Report of the Expedition to the Vitebsk and Pskov Regions at the Session of the Folk Music Commission of the Composers’ Union of the RSFSR in March 1977]. Fonogrammarkhiv Instituta russkoy literatury Rossiyskoy akademii nauk. Fond OKMF [Phonogram Archive of the Institute for Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Fund OKMF].