Transformations of the Russian Song Culture During the 1990s (the Regional Aspect)

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Olga S. Ilyicheva
Elena V. Komissarova
Galina P. Kibasova


In the Russian song culture of the 1990s both the general features of development in the conditions of reformation of society, as well as the regional specific features were revealed. The issue is examined in the article by the example of the song culture of the composers’ (authorial) tradition of the Volgograd Region. The democratization of society and market economy relations have led to a reorganization of the institutions of culture and artistic unions, the creation of new forms of institutions, organizations and artistic ensembles, as well as to the birth of show business. This period was characterized by a diversity of the art of music in terms of genre and style. The continuity of traditions of the Soviet song classics was preserved, which included songs of civic importance, as well as war and lyrical songs. An example of innovation in the culture of the region was the development of pop culture. The art of jazz, rock music, bard and children’s songs had undergone evolution. The basis of the song culture of the 1990s was the system of musical education created in the 1990s created during the Soviet period, a network of club institutions, the festival motion, the formation of sound recording studios and the appearance of musical radio stations.

Keywords: the song culture of Russia, regional culture, the Volgograd region, the popular song,
show business.

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How to Cite
Ilyicheva О. С., Komissarova Е. В., & Kibasova Г. П. (2020). Transformations of the Russian Song Culture During the 1990s (the Regional Aspect). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 38(1), 171–176. Retrieved from
Musical Genre and Style
Author Biographies

Olga S. Ilyicheva, Volgograd P. A. Serebryakov Conservatory, Volgograd, Russia

Olga S. Ilyicheva, Associate Professor, Head at the Department of Popular and Jazz Music, Volgograd P. A. Serebryakov Conservatory

Elena V. Komissarova, Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd, Russia

Elena V. Komissarova, Ph.D. (History), Associate Professor at the Department of History and Cultural Studies, Volgograd State Medical University

Galina P. Kibasova, Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd, Russia

Galina P. Kibasova, Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), Professor at the Department of History and Cultural Studies, Volgograd State Medical University