Music and Creativity as Educational Strategies for Sociability. Group Dynamics with Students Pursuing Educational Degrees from the Francisco de Vitoria University in Madrid

Main Article Content

Fidel Rodríguez Legendre
Gemma Ruiz Varela


This research work deals with making use of resources related to musical instruction in order to generate strategies for achieving the following objectives: 1) establishing group interaction where cooperative relationships are defined and the roles and forms of leadership are distributed under the logic of group dynamics; 2) stimulating creativity related to musical improvisation based on producing simple sound and rhythmic structures; 3) achieving a state when students are capable of acquiring a musical experience, regardless of whether they have any academic training in conservatories or music schools. In order to achieve these objectives, we have applied such musical resources as percussion instruments (triangles, metallophones, tambourines, Chinese
boxes, tom-toms...), proposed unconventional forms of musical notation and resorted to the use of percussion instruments from the Afro-Caribbean region (bongos, congas and timbales) as means for improvisation. In the latter instance, the aim is to generate group dynamics by use of resources linked to the art of sound. Stemming from a group vision of university education, the experience of a methodology centred on music is proposed as a means of provoking and arousing the dynamics of sociability, which is necessary for achieving integral formation for students.

Keywords: innovation; dialogical practices; methodology of teaching.

Article Details

How to Cite
Fidel Rodríguez Legendre, & Gemma Ruiz Varela. (2020). Music and Creativity as Educational Strategies for Sociability. Group Dynamics with Students Pursuing Educational Degrees from the Francisco de Vitoria University in Madrid. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 38(1), 110–121. Retrieved from
International Division
Author Biographies

Fidel Rodríguez Legendre, Francisco de Vitoria University, Madrid, Spain

Ph.D. (Коммуникации и социология, Мадридский университет Комплутенсе), Ph.D. (История, Центральный университет Венесуэлы), профессор, заместитель декана по учебной работе и управлению качеством образования Факультета образования и гуманитарных наук

Fidel Rodríguez Legendre, Ph.D. (Communication Sciences and Sociology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Ph.D. (History, Central University of Venezuela), Professor, Vice Dean of Academic and Quality Management, Department of Education and Humanities, Francisco de Vitoria University

Gemma Ruiz Varela, Francisco de Vitoria University, Madrid, Spain

Ph.D. (Образование и гуманитарные науки, Университет Франсиско де Витория), заместитель декана по учебной работе и управлению качеством образования Факультета образования и гуманитарных наук, преподаватель кафедры гуманитарных наук

Gemma Ruiz Varela, Ph.D. (Education and Humanities, Francisco de Vitoria University),
Vice Dean of Academic and Quality Management, Faculty of Education and Humanities,
Faculty Member of the Department of Humanities, Francisco de Vitoria University