“Scenary Development of Musical Material” as a Method of Composition and Instruction Created by Ukrainian Composer Karmella Tsepkolenko

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Oleksandr O. Perepelytsia


The article is devoted to the artistic method of Ukrainian composer Karmela Tsepkolenko bearing the title of “scenary development of musical material.” “Scenary development” (Tsepkolenko’s original system) directs the composer’s imagination with the help of various kinds of artistic stimulations following a previously contemplated, concise, step-wise scenario and provides a foundation on which the substantial events of a short piece, a symphony or a concerto are unfolded. On the basis of analysis of Karmella Tsepkolenko’s compositions a model of the “scenary development of musical material” is demonstrated and the paths of its influence on a musical composition’s form and structure are researched. In addition, the forms (the idea-based, the narrative and the literary) comprising scenary development are examined in their hierarchical expressiveness. The article demonstrates that the use of principles of “scenary development” in a musical composition directs the composer towards the creation of new aesthetical models, activates the composer’s subconscious structures towards the creation of semantic complexes which are original in their form and structure and fills the musical composition with complex dialogic connections and play energy. Definition is given to the rising role of “scenary development of musical material” as a means of creation of new contexts, forms, styles, musical language, notation and new sound systems.

Keywords: method of composition, scenary development, scenario.

Article Details

How to Cite
Perepelytsia, O. O. (2020). “Scenary Development of Musical Material” as a Method of Composition and Instruction Created by Ukrainian Composer Karmella Tsepkolenko. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 38(1), 101–109. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/1152
International Division
Author Biography

Oleksandr O. Perepelytsia, Odessa National A. V. Nezhdanova Music Academy Odessa, Ukraine

Кандидат искусствоведения, и.о. доцента кафедры оперной подготовки

Oleksandr O. Perepelytsia, Ph.D. (Arts), Acting Associate Professor at the Department of Opera Training, Odessa National A.V. Nezhdanova Music Academy