Concerning the Question of the Technique of Generating Several Voices in the Bashkir Tradition of Uzliau Throat Singing

Main Article Content

Galiya R. Bayazitova


The article deals with the simultaneous sound formation of
two voices in the Bashkir uzliau technique of throat singing.
The present phenomenon (synonyms: two-voiced solo singing,
overtone singing, etc.) is well-known not only in Russia (in
Bashkortostan, Tuva, Khakasia, Yakutia, Altai), but in many
countries of the world (Mongolia, China, Vietnam, Tibet, etc.).
It presents “solo two-voiced singing” done by one singer. The
physiological and acoustical aspects of emergence of two voices
– the bourdon bass and the melodic line – in the Bashkir uzliau
have been researched very little at the present time. The attempt
to explain the appearance of the second (upper) voice was made
by scholars in their research of the sygyt (one of the styles of
Tuvan throat singing ho’omey). Through experiments it has
been determined that the sounds of the melodies are formed
in vestibular folds which are tightened into a narrow opening.
However, in this case the upper voice forms a whistling sound
and greatly differs in its sound not only from the uzliau sounds
but also from many other ho’omey styles. That author of the
article, relying on the achievements in the sphere of phoniatrics
and acoustics of the human voice, is researching the possibilities
not only of the whistling but also of the vibratory mechanism of
formation of the upper voice in vestibular folds. Moreover, on
the basis of this search, connected with the participation of the
bronchial system in voice formation, the differences of sound of
the lower supporting tone – the bourdon – during performances
of the Bashkir uzliau and various styles of the Tuvan ho’omey are
explained. It is the “multi-stage” quality of the bronchial system
in particular, which presents the source of sound upon phonation,
not only brings in a variety of registers and timbres, but also
expands the ranges of sound and also makes it possible for the
singer to emit not only two, but three or more sounds, i.e. to create
solo polyphony.

Keywords: Bashkir folk music, throat singing, uzliau,
ho’omey, the mechanisms of throat-formation, solo polyphony

Article Details

How to Cite
Bayazitova, G. R. (2013). Concerning the Question of the Technique of Generating Several Voices in the Bashkir Tradition of Uzliau Throat Singing. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 43–48. Retrieved from
Musical Cultures of Russia
Author Biography

Galiya R. Bayazitova, Ufa State Academy of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

Faculty member at the Department of Popular
and Jazz Performance and Recording,
Post-graduate student
at the Ethnomusicology Department


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