The Christmastide Fortunetelling Songs in the Traditions of the Russian Residents of the Northern Regions of the Udmurtian Republic

Main Article Content

Evgenia A. Sklyarova


The article analyzes the “podblyudnye” (Christmastide
fortunetelling) songs “Ileyu” written down in the northern
regions of Udmurtia under the direction of the author of the
article as part of a set of expeditions of the A.M. Mekhnetsov
Center for Folklore and Ethnography at the St. Petersburg State
Conservatory and the Chirldren School for the Arts of the Novy
village of the Votkinsk Region of Udmurtia. The presented
materials have never been published before and until the present
time had never been objects of specialized research. In the
tradition of the Russian long-time residents of Udmurtia the
“podblyudnye” songs present the only song-like genre of the
calendar music folklore of the Christmastide period. The author
demonstrates their specificity of genre, as well as the originality
of musical style, which is disclosed by means of different
components of the musical and poetical language: the poetics,
composition, rhythm, mode and intonation. On the one hand, the
present components present themselves as the stylistic features
of the “podblyudnye” songs, on the other hand, they make it
possible to see their relatedness in terms of language with
the folk genres of song and choreography. The distinguishing
feature of the “podblyudnye” songs of the local tradition is
marked out by the refrain “Ileyu.” The typological features of
the “podblyudnye” songs bear witness of their belonging to the
early historical-stylistic strata.

Keywords: “podblyudnye” (Christmastide fortunetelling)
songs, the Russian residents of the Udmurtian Republic, folk

Article Details

How to Cite
Sklyarova, E. A. (2013). The Christmastide Fortunetelling Songs in the Traditions of the Russian Residents of the Northern Regions of the Udmurtian Republic. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 29–36. Retrieved from
Musical Cultures of Russia
Author Biography

Evgenia A. Sklyarova, The St. Petersburg State N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory (Academy)

Research Assistant at the A.M. Mekhnetsov Center
for Folklore and Ethnography
Faculty Member at the Ethnomusicology Department


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