About the Role of the Violin and the Clavier in Joseph Haydn’s Instrumental Concertos

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Veronika M. Akshentseva


In the context of the diversity of the genres and forms of Joseph Haydn’s instrumental music,
the solo concerto holds a special position. It was particularly here that the formation of solo and
virtuosic features of the violin and the clavier took place. The fact that the composer turned to the
violin and the clavier was not at all accidental. He understood and considered the organological
specific features of the musical instruments, as they had developed by that time, and maintained their
particular functional-attributive roles in solo and ensemble-orchestral concert practice. Even more
important for him was the universalism of these two musical instruments, which was concordant
to the musical universalism of Haydn himself, who combined as part of his artistic activities the
roles of Kappelmeister, violinist and organist. At the same time, the formation of thematicism in
Haydn’s violin and clavier cycles occurred at the crossroads of the “old” and the “new.” Thus, the
typization of the orchestral ensemble, the development of instrumental solo playing in his concertos
neighbors with the orientations on the Baroque principles of concerto writing and ensemble cointonating.
The composer’s attention to the “queen” of instruments, the violin, does not hinder
his “experiments” with instruments seldom incorporated. At the same time, the acquisition on the
part of the clavier of a conspicuous place in the practice of music-making does not contradict the
variation of all the types of the instrument, since they sit alongside each other in an organic fashion
and comprise the genus of claviers. In the concertos of the Viennese Classicist the violin and the
clavier possess equal rights and demonstrate themselves in the roles of soloist and technically
developed instruments, as well as remarkable partners in ensemble and orchestral combinations.
Careful study of the enumerated processes demonstrates the birth of the instrumental concerto in
the work of the brilliant representative of the Classicist era, Joseph Haydn.

Keywords: instrumental concerto, violin, clavier, ensemble or orchestral group, instrumental
solo playing, Classicism, virtuosity, Joseph Haydn.

Article Details

How to Cite
Akshentseva, V. M. (2019). About the Role of the Violin and the Clavier in Joseph Haydn’s Instrumental Concertos. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 192–204. https://doi.org/10.17674/1997-0854.2019.4.192-204
Musical Genre and Style
Author Biography

Veronika M. Akshentseva, Magnitogorsk State M. I. Glinka Conservatory (Academy)

Post-graduate Student at the Department of History,
Theory of Performing Arts and Music Pedagogy


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