The “Large Form” in Russian Rock Music of the 1970s and 1980s (on the Example of the Music of the VIE “Pesnyary”)

Main Article Content

Elena A. Savitskaya


The article examines the development of the “hybrid” genres and forms in Russian rock music of
the 1970s and 1980s. The movement to the direction of large-scale stage form progressed from two
sides – the academic tradition expanded and renewed its genre and style spectrum with the aid of
the means of rock music, while rock aspired to the level of “high art.” Notwithstanding the difficult
conditions of existence and the ideological pressure, rock ensembles were able to realize their large-
scale artistic conceptions. The attention of the author of the article is concentrated on the genres
of rock opera and rock cantata and their examples in the artistic work of VIE (vocal-instrumental
ensembles), which have previously not been examined in research literature. The main material is
presented by musical compositions from the repertoire of the Belorussian VIE “Pesnyary” – the
rock opera “Pesn' o dole” [“The Song of the Lot”] (music by Vladimir Mulyavin) and the rock
cantata “Guslyar” [“Psaltery Player”] (music by Igor Luchenok). They are analyzed in terms of
the peculiarities of dramaturgy, the development of the storyline and of musical thematicism, the
sound texture, the figurative characteristics of the protagonists, the stylistic synthesis (on the basis
of folk music, various trends in rock music, jazz and popular song); examination is made of aspects
of stage performance and studio recordings. The conclusion is arrived at about the close proximity
of such types of experiments of the VIE and rock groups to quests of the academic musical tradition
of the second half of the 20th century.

Keywords: rock music, rock opera, rock cantata, rock theater, VIE, vocal-instrumental ensemble,
“Pesnyary,” Vladimir Mulyavin, Igor Luchenok, synthesis of genre and style.

Article Details

How to Cite
Savitskaya, E. A. (2019). The “Large Form” in Russian Rock Music of the 1970s and 1980s (on the Example of the Music of the VIE “Pesnyary”). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 167–178.
Сultural Heritage in Historical Perspective
Author Biography

Elena A. Savitskaya, State Institute for Art Studies

Ph.D. (Arts), Senior Research Associate of the Media Arts Sector


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