Benedetto Marcello. Concerning the Issue of Universalism of the Personality

Main Article Content

Raisa G. Shitikova
Elena E. Roshchina
Yulia Yu. Yakovenko


At the present time special attention is being paid to study of the heritage of the past. Various
documents which shed light on the blank spots of music history become available to public access.
One of the figures whose name has been undeservedly consigned to oblivion is Benedetto Marcello
– an Italian composer and political activist of the first half of the 18th century well-known in
his time. The article sets the goal of recreating the artistic portrait of this Italian master. For the
first time information is presented from sources from other countries disclosing the particularities
of his biography. Analysis of the selected material leads to the conclusions of the necessity of
reevaluating the significance of Benedetto Marcello’s legacy in the context of the progression of
the history of musical culture. The artist’s activities are closely connected with the development
of the genre of opera which gustily proceeded during the period of the late 17th and early 18th
centuries. Familiarization with certain facts regarding the master’s artistic path would make it
possible for contemporary musicians not only to delve more deeply into the specific features of
Marcello’s compositions, but also to comprehend anew the problem range of 18th century Venetian

Keywords: Benedetto Marcello, the treatise “Fashionable Theater,” 17th and 18th century
Venetian opera, “Arcadia” academy, Antonio Vivaldi, Johann Sebastian Bach.

Article Details

How to Cite
Shitikova, R. G., Roshchina, E. E., & Yakovenko, Y. Y. (2019). Benedetto Marcello. Concerning the Issue of Universalism of the Personality. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 148–157.
History of Western Music
Author Biographies

Raisa G. Shitikova, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

Ph.D. (Arts), Professor, Head at the Department of Music
Upbringing and Education, Institute of Music, Theater and Choreography

Elena E. Roshchina, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

Ph.D. (Philosophy), Associate Professor at the Department of
Musical Instrumental Training, Institute of Music, Theater and Choreography

Yulia Yu. Yakovenko, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

Senior Faculty Member at the Department of Music Upbringing
and Education, Institute of Music, Theater and Choreography


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