Characteristics of Postmodernism in Composition Techniques of the Opera “Farewell to Cambridge”

Main Article Content

Linji Zhu


The premiere of a classical specimen of Chinese chamber opera “Farewell to Cambridge,”
the music to which was written by Zhou Xueshi, and the scenario – by Chen Yu, took place on
December 25, 2001 at the Beijing Chamber Theater of People’s Art. This composition was called
the first Chinese chamber opera, as well as the first opera produced by a private organization. Many
Chinese media outlets, among which we can name the “China Youth Daily,” “Chinese Culture,”
“Musical Weekly,” etc., highly evaluated this original Chinese opera. In particular, on January 7,
2001 the “Musical Weekly” with the support of the Beijing Cultural Department organized a
musicological seminar connected with this composition.
In the article, the author describes the peculiarities of the opera from the point of view of
postmodernist ideas and techniques used in its musical composition. With the help of detailed
analysis of the musical component the author examines the experimental techniques applied by
composer Zhou Xueshi in order to bring in stylistic diversity to his composition. They include:
the mixed structure of the opera, techniques of collage and derivation, as well as diversity in the
creation of the protagonists.

Keywords: the opera “Farewell to Cambridge,” postmodernism, collage, musical derivations,
Chinese composers, Zhou Xueshi.

Article Details

How to Cite
Zhu, L. (2019). Characteristics of Postmodernism in Composition Techniques of the Opera “Farewell to Cambridge”. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 102–110.
Musical Culture of the Peoples of the World
Author Biography

Linji Zhu, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

Post-graduate Student at the Department of Musical Upbringing and


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