Individual-Topological Features of Development of Musical, Artistic and Intellectual Abilities among Pre-School Age Children

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Anzhelika R. Akimova


The high effectiveness of present-day educational programs within the sphere of supplementary
artistic-aesthetical upbringing and continuous education of preschoolers may be provided in
the light of scientifically based typologies of special abilities at the core of which lie both
generic psychological and psychophysical (natural) components. In the presented exploratoryapplicative
research there is an outline of a solution of several goals related to scholarly research
and scholarly practice. On a diagnostic stage, in correspondence with the aim of the research
a selection of diagnostic methodologies has been made and a complex diagnosis has been
carried out (surveys among parents, consultation of pedagogues, testing of children) with the
use of the method of contrasting groups and engaging of respondents from various preschool
institutions for development of separate types of abilities. On an encompassing stage the results
of expositive statistics are analyzed and a qualitative interpretation of them is carried out. As
a result of comparative analysis in the groups of musical, artistic and intellectual development
veracious differences are demonstrated: in the manifestation in children of separate types of
sensorial sensitivity, which influences their cognitive development; in the distinct manifestation
of indications of creative abilities and parameters of creative thinking in correlation with a
concrete type of preschool institution and specificity of realization in it of educational programs.
On the prognostic-analytical stage with the aid of correlational analysis the preschoolers show the
defined specificity (character and closeness) of interconnections of audial, visual and kinesthetic
types of perception and processing of information with separate indications of creative abilities
and thinking. The conclusions are arrived at about the prognosticate value of examination of
the indicated types of as individual-personal predictors of harmonic development of separate
(general or specific) capabilities, and adequate recommendations are presented to parents and

Keywords: creative abilities, children’s giftedness, individual-personal predictors, typological

Article Details

How to Cite
Akimova, A. R. (2019). Individual-Topological Features of Development of Musical, Artistic and Intellectual Abilities among Pre-School Age Children. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 139–149.
Musical Education
Author Biography

Anzhelika R. Akimova, Magnitogorsk State M. I. Glinka Conservatory (Academy)

Ph.D. (Psychology), Associate Professor, Head of the Research
Center for Prediction of the Development of Creative Ability and Childhood


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