“Variations” by Andrew Lloyd-Webber and “Rhapsody on as Theme of Paganini” by Sergei Rachmaninoff: Artistic Parallels

Main Article Content

Elena Yu. Andryushchenko


The article is devoted to the multifold “dialogues” of Andrew
Lloyd-Webber’s musical style with the legacy of classical music
from the 18th and 19th centuries as one of the most important
features of the English composer’s thinking. The present problem
is examined on the example of the well-known instrumental
composition aspiring towards a synthesis of characteristic
features of serious and popular genres. The article discloses
the “generating model” of the indicated artistic conception –
Sergei Rachmaninoff’s classical masterpiece, and the historical
and cultural premises for the described “dialogue,” as well as
the compositional and dramaturgical parallels between the two
compositions are designated. Special attention is paid to the
“ballet” version of the “Variations,” created by choreographer
Anthony Van Laast as the second movement of the “stage
concert” – the musical “Song and Dance.” The author singles out
the role of this version of the composition in the development of
the “choreographic” musical of the 1980s and 1990s.

Keywords: “Variations” by Andrew Lloyd-Webber, Sergei
Rachmaninoff, Mikhail Fokin, “Rhapsody on a Theme by
Paganini,” the ballet “Paganini”

Article Details

How to Cite
Andryushchenko, E. Y. (2014). “Variations” by Andrew Lloyd-Webber and “Rhapsody on as Theme of Paganini” by Sergei Rachmaninoff: Artistic Parallels. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 88–91. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/106
Artistic World of Musical Piece
Author Biography

Elena Yu. Andryushchenko, Rostov State S.V. Rachmaninoff Conservatory

Candidate of Arts,
Associate Professor at the Department
for Musical Management


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