Musical Form and its Elucidation in School Textbooks of Music Literature

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Irina V. Koposova


Familiarization with musical form – a capacious and multiple valued phenomenon – is
connected with the initial stage of educating a musician. An important role in this process is carried
out by textbooks. An encompassing perception of musical form, the basic types of structures in
classical and romantic music and their individual features is taught to a pupil of children’s music
schools in music literature classes. In the article certain features of expounding on the subject of
“musical form” for schoolchildren are elaborated by the example of four textbooks for the first
year of study of this subject (written by Andrei Frolov, Maria Shornikova, Yanina Ostrovskaya
& Liudmila Frolova, Zoya Osovitskaya & Anna Kazarinova). The content of the corresponding
sections is variable. The list of the spanned examples is more compact in the book by Osovitskaya
and Kazarinova (it is defined by the resources of Tchaikovsky’s “Children’s Album”). The subject
is unfolded to the fullest extent in the textbooks of Ostrovskaya, Frolova and Shornikova: here
almost all the classical-romantic forms are demonstrated, as are some of the baroque forms (the
fugue and the suite). In their descriptions of the musical constructions, the authors maintain
different perspectives. Osovitskaya and Kazarinova are concentrated on an integral analysis of the
“Children’s Album” and its constituent pieces; at the same time Frolov combines the theoretical
and practical approaches in comprehension of form, giving recommendations for the compositions.
Shornikova makes systematical use of interdisciplinary analogies; Ostrovskaya and Frolova give
intense attention to the structural particularities of each of the examined constructions.
The correlation of the principles of study of musical forms present in school textbooks allows
us to choose the most optimal of them. The article comes up with the conclusion that the use of the
descriptive manner upon the first discussion of form is insufficient, since in this case the connection
between the content and the constructive sides of the musical structures is not accentuated. The
inaccuracies allowed by the authors in their characterizations of a number of forms testify of the
necessity of reviewing such types of tutorial editions.

Keywords: study of musical form, textbooks of musical literature for children’s music schools
for the first year of study, Yanina Ostrovskaya, Liudmila Frolova, Zoya Osovitskaya, Anna
Kazarinova, Andrei Frolov, Maria Shornikova.

Article Details

How to Cite
Koposova, I. V. (2019). Musical Form and its Elucidation in School Textbooks of Music Literature. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 178–189.
Musical Education
Author Biography

Irina V. Koposova, Petrozavodsk State A. K. Glazunov Conservatory

Ph.D. (Arts), Associate Professor at the Music Theory and
Composition Department


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