Enhancing Creativity through Musical Drama for Children with Special Needs (Down Syndrome) in Education of Disabled Children

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Junita Batubara
Sumathi Maniam


Children with special needs, especially those with disability in mental, physical or social/emotional interactions, are marginalized. Many people still view them as being troublesome, having learning difficulties, unproductive and burdensome to society. The objectives of the research are; to identify whether musical drama can control the coordination of mental function of children; to identify whether musical drama can improve communication ability and expression of children; to discern whether musical drama can help children work with people around them; to find out if musical dramas can develop a child's emotional and physical health; to find out if musical drama can improve children's creativity. The study employed a qualitative research approach. Data were collected through observation of the selected key informants who were teachers and principals as well as parents and children. The data obtained was then processed (reduced), the conclusion was drawn/verified through presentation of data (data display). Furthermore, the model obtained was implemented for musical performance, where the benefits of the show are: musical drama can improve language skills; musical dramas capable of developing memory and storage of information; develop communication skills and express themselves; helping children work together; assisting emotional and physical health; enhancing creativity.

Keywords: musical and theatrical classes, teaching children with Down syndrome, “The Sleeping Princess,” music education and performance.

Article Details

How to Cite
Batubara, J., & Maniam, S. (2019). Enhancing Creativity through Musical Drama for Children with Special Needs (Down Syndrome) in Education of Disabled Children. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 166–177. https://doi.org/10.17674/1997-0854.2019.2.166-177
Musical Education
Author Biographies

Junita Batubara, Huria Kristen Batak Protestant Nommensen University

Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Music Department, Faculty of
Language and Arts

Sumathi Maniam, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Ph.D., Senior Lecturer at the Performing Arts Department, Faculty of Music and Performing Arts


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