Algorithmic Compositions are a Phenomenon of Electronic Music

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Elena N. Piryazeva


Electronic music can be subdivided into a number of varieties. They include music composed for electronic musical instruments; music the basis of which is the transformation by electronic means of sounds surrounding the human being; music created by means of sounds automatically generated by electronic means, as well as music programmed on the computer, or algorithmic music. The present article is devoted to examining an experiment in the sphere of algorithmic music which during the course of a long time is carried out by composer, scholar and writer David Cope – a researcher of musical artificial intellect. Cope is the developer of programs for analysis and creation of musical compositions in the styles of well-known composers. The article applies the method of comparative analysis for comparing a musical composition by Hungarian composer Bela Bartok and its model created by means of algorithmic composition with David Cope’s program.
Creation of style according to a model is an enthralling experiment making it possible to perceive in an adequate manner the music of famous masters, to carry out competent interpretations in musicological analyses, to establish the components of a composer’s style, observing important components of his mannerisms, and to perfect oneself in computer programming. Nonetheless, a composition created by a master still surpasses the mechanical version by the presence of inimitable creative enlightenment inspiring in its solution of the posed creative goal, which is impossible to recreate automatically.

Keywords: electronic music, algorithmic composition, contemporary music, musical style, David Cope.

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How to Cite
Piryazeva, E. N. (2019). Algorithmic Compositions are a Phenomenon of Electronic Music. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 105–110.
Information Technology and Music
Author Biography

Elena N. Piryazeva, Institute of Art Education and Cultural Studies of the Russian Academy of Education

Ph.D. (Arts), Senior Research Associate


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