Interaction of the Russian and Ukrainian Traditional Cultures in the Sudzhan District of the Kursk Region

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Svetlana A. Filonovich


The singularity of the traditional musical culture of the Sudzhan District of the Kursk Region
is defined by the cohabitation on its territory of two ethnical groups – Russians and Ukrainians,
between whom there occurred processes of both ethnic differentiation and integration. Each
of these groups formed its own musical culture and system of musical genres demonstrating a
great degree of difference from one another. At the same time, the musical language remained
an important means of cultural self-identification. The system of musical genres of the Russian
villages pertains to the local tradition of the bordering areas between the Kursk and the Belgorod
Regions, where the centralizing component is provided by the round khorovod song. It affects such
genres of the traditional stratum as tanochnye and the wedding songs, forming a special repertoire
of instrumental-choreographic types – the karagodny refrain tunes. The genre system of Ukrainian
villages is comprised of a strata of traditional genres inconspicuous in its scope – glorification of
winter and congratulatory songs and wedding ritual refrain tunes, whereas the main song array of
the Ukrainians is comprised of lyrical songs.
The interaction between the cultures is actively displayed in the late stratum of folk music.
It is the existence of late-traditional lyricism, of general Russian chastushka tunes and dances
of urban origin in both the Russian and the Ukrainian ethnic milieus. Such a rapprochement of
traditional cultures is stipulated by the change of the ethnical self-determination of Ukrainians
and the overcoming of cultural insularity, which at an earlier period provided the condition of
independent development of two separate musical traditions.

Keywords: the Kursk Region, the Sudzhan District, Russian and Ukrainian folklore, traditional
culture, ethnomusicology.

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How to Cite
Filonovich, S. A. (2019). Interaction of the Russian and Ukrainian Traditional Cultures in the Sudzhan District of the Kursk Region. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 55–62.
Musical Cultures of Russia
Author Biography

Svetlana A. Filonovich, Voronezh State Institute of Arts

Post-graduate Student, Lecturer at the Ethnomusicology


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