The Process of Academization of the Art of Russian Folk Instrumental Music

Main Article Content

Dmitri I. Varlamov


The art of Russian folk instrumental music in the 20th century underwent an active stage of
academization. Scholars have consentaneously interpreted it as the process of achievement of
an academic level of performance and study. The author of the present article criticizes this
kind of interpretation and proposes the conception of academization based on the theory of evolution.
What is understood under the term academization here is the evolution of thinking and creative activity
of humanity from authentic folklore to contemporary music of the academic type. Two types of
academization are brought out: the natural and the artificial, demonstrating a single substance –
the aspiration towards an ideal artistic paradigm. However, in the natural process the paradigm
is formed spontaneously during the course of the artists’ creative search and the selective activity
of society, and in the artificial it is borrowed from another culture, and so in the artificial process
the reproductive function predominates over the creative. Both types are subjected to the “postacademic
syndrome” – negative tendencies, which demonstrate themselves more acutely in the
artificial process. Overcoming the “post-academic syndrome” is possible through the integration of
academic art with the analogous tradition of the folklore variety, the development of the theory of
national instrumentalism, removal of dualism of thinking from it and assertion of the integrity of
the phenomenon of the folk trait of artistic creativity.

Keywords: the art of folk instrumental music, the academization of art and education, the types
of academization, evolutionary and synergetic natural laws.

Article Details

How to Cite
Varlamov, D. I. (2019). The Process of Academization of the Art of Russian Folk Instrumental Music. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 29–37.
Сultural Heritage in Historical Perspective
Author Biography

Dmitri I. Varlamov, Saratov State L. V. Sobinov Conservatory

Dr.Sci. (Arts), Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), Professor, Head at the
Department of History and Theory of Performing Arts and Music Pedagogy


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