Folk Instrumental Performance in Magnitogorsk

Main Article Content

Svetlana V. Mushkina


The article is devoted to research of the process of formation of
folk instrumental performance in the musical cultural sphere of
peripheral cities. The present sphere of activity is examined in
the context of a stadial scheme of development of the amateur,
professional academic and professional “pop-vernacular”
trends, which makes it possible to define their evolutional and
involution stages. The graphic scheme of stadial development
of folk instrumental performance of Magnitogorsk proposed in
the work demonstrates visibly the immobile recurrence of the
stages in the process of formation of each of the enumerated
trends. This approach makes it possible to mark the centrifugal
tendencies and to indicate the dynamicity and specificity
intrinsic to the given type of performance activities on the
peripheral cities of Russia.

Keywords: folk instrumental performance, Magnitogorsk,
amateur performance, professional academic sphere, “popvernacular”

Article Details

How to Cite
Mushkina, S. V. (2014). Folk Instrumental Performance in Magnitogorsk. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 66–71. Retrieved from
Area Studies in Music
Author Biography

Svetlana V. Mushkina, Magnitogorsk State M.I. Glinka Conservatory

Faculty member of the Department
of Orchestral Folk Instruments,
Post-graduate student at the Department
of History and Music Theory


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