The Formation of Creative Competency in the Process of Study оn the Basis of the Integrative Course “Choral Theater”

Main Article Content

Anna I. Yudina
Inna V. Shorokhova
Anna O. Golskaya


The relevance of the subject of the article is stipulated by the challenges of contemporary musical education in
the preparation of professional cadres possessing creative competency. The elaboration of innovative integrational
courses, which develop the given professional quality among future specialist musicians in the process of their
studies at the institutions of higher education, acquires special significance. The aim of the research is to reveal
the potentials of the integrative course “Choral Theater” in the formation of creative competency of the student
choirmaster. Analysis of scholarly works has made it possible for the authors to define the concept of the “creative
competency of the musician” as the ability to create the situation of creative success, to solve in a productive manner
nonstandard professional goals, thereby achieving maximal effectivity. The article presents the results of experimental
work which was carried out by the methods of narrative interviews, observation and expert evaluation, as well as the
study of the attempt of realization of the integrative course “Choral Theater” in the cycle of special disciplines for
conductors-choirmasters. The research demonstrates the high pedagogical potential of active interaction between
students and faculty members in the work on the projects of this course. Obviously, joint activities develop skills
of command work and stimulates to the utmost degree the participants’ creative activities. As an example of their
project activities the authors highlight the performance of the play “Promise me Love…”.

Keywords: competency, creative competency, choral theater, integrative course, professional education.

Article Details

How to Cite
Yudina, A. I., Shorokhova, I. V., & Golskaya, A. O. (2019). The Formation of Creative Competency in the Process of Study оn the Basis of the Integrative Course “Choral Theater”. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 150–156.
Musical Education
Author Biographies

Anna I. Yudina, Kemerovo State Institute of Culture

Dr.Sci. (Pedagogical), Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Socio-Cultural Technologies

Inna V. Shorokhova, Kemerovo State Institute of Culture

Dean of the Faculty of Musical Art, Professor at the Department of Conducting
and Academic Singing

Anna O. Golskaya, Kemerovo State Institute of Culture

Head at the Department of Conducting and Academic Singing


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