The Organ in the Kazakh Musical Culture: The Stages of its History

Main Article Content

Tatiana V. Kharlamova


The 20th century in the history of the culture of Kazakhstan was marked by a set of significant events which
have formed its contemporary image, among which was the generation of a classical academic musical tradition
based on the synthesis of the European and the national traits. The present article traces out the history of formation
of organ culture in Kazakhstan. The instrument, which was nurtured in the fold of the Western church and not
possessing roots in Kazakh artistic practice, was destined to pass through a complex path of development. Three
stages are substantiated, each of which is characterized by particular signs. Thus, the first stage – the introductory –
is connected with the assimilation of the European instrument that is new for the Kazakhs, as well as of the genres
and forms intrinsic to organ music. the second stage presents the apex of compositional activities and performance
activities in Kazakhstan. The third stage is determined by the expansion of the range of semantic features in organ
works, reflecting the sacred closeness to the Kazakh instrumental range. The specificity of Kazakh organ music,
at the basis of which lies an organic amalgamation of the academic and the folklore experience, is manifested in
several stages: the imagery, genre sphere, instrumental range, thematicism, and form-generation. The characteristic
features of each of them are examined by the example of musical compositions indicative for their time.

Keywords: organ, organ performance, traditional culture of the Kazakhs, compositional creativity, synthesis of
genres, Kazakh musical culture.

Article Details

How to Cite
Kharlamova, T. V. (2019). The Organ in the Kazakh Musical Culture: The Stages of its History. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 123–128.
National Musical Cultures (Kazakhstan)
Author Biography

Tatiana V. Kharlamova, Ufa State Institute of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

Post-graduate Student at the Music Theory Department


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