Collective Creativity and Authorship in Opera: The Historical Experience of the Musical Culture of Kazakhstan

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Umitzhan R. Dzhumakova
Saule K. Musakhodzhaeva


The article examines cases of collective creativity and authorship in the history of Kazakh opera (1934–2018) in their connection with the overall processes of development of the art of opera. Collective creativity is demonstrated as an objective characteristic feature in the process of the creation and performance of a musical-theatrical composition. Five factors are determined, all of which impact the manifestation of collective authorship in real or hidden form: the historical, professional, spiritual-moral, biographic and culturological. It is proved that co-authorship, of which traditionally a negative attitude has been formed, has played an important role on various stages of the development of the genre. The significance of collective authorship in opera is stipulated by the specific traits of the art of music as a form of creativity of a collective nature and its existence within the context of a developing culture.

Keywords: Kazakh opera, musical culture of Kazakhstan, collective creativity, collective authorship, production, redaction.

Article Details

How to Cite
Dzhumakova, U. R., & Musakhodzhaeva, S. K. (2019). Collective Creativity and Authorship in Opera: The Historical Experience of the Musical Culture of Kazakhstan. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 115–122.
National Musical Cultures (Kazakhstan)
Author Biographies

Umitzhan R. Dzhumakova, Kazakh National University of Arts

Dr.Sci. (Arts), Professor at the Department of the Musicology and

Saule K. Musakhodzhaeva, Kazakh National University of Arts

Master of Arts, Faculty Member at the Department of the Musicology and


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