Film Music in the Aspect of Stylistic Modeling

Main Article Content

Svetlana I. Khvatova
Tatiana F. Shak
Evgeny G. Shevlyakov


The article examines film music from the point of view of stylistic modeling as a compositional technique
in cinema music. On the level of musical thematicism this presumes a free approach towards work with quoted
material realized by means of stylization or allusion. The compositional level is structured through a compiled
(polystylistic) means of organization of the musical setting by juxtaposition of the quoted material. Work with
precise or arranged quotations is viewed in the aspect of compositional technique, the individuality of the film
producer and the genre-related specificity of films. The video context is disclosed of appearance of quotations from
classical music, the expediency of them being brought in, the ethicality of connecting well-known compositions of
the classics with video images, which are in discord with the initial content of the music. Analysis is made of the
process of creation of a film soundtrack and the measure of the authorial expression of will and a re-interpretation
of themes by classic composers.
Use is made of the methodology of integrated and stylistic analysis traditional in Russian musicology, and
research methods with incorporation of special music research tools in the structure of the media-text elaborated
by Tatiana Shack. The essence of the method consists in a rejection of analysis of a traditional musical text and its
replacement with an audio-visual form with a complex examination of music in combination with visual and verbal
constituents and taking into account the context in which they exist. The proposed approach towards analysis is
based on knowledge of the specificity of functional music: its discreteness, derivative qualities, multifunctionality,
compilativity, contextual quality, dependence on montage rhythm and subservience to the video material.

Keywords: film music, citation, allusion, stylization, cinema producer, film composer, stylistic modeling.

Article Details

How to Cite
Khvatova, S. I., Shak, T. F., & Shevlyakov, E. G. (2019). Film Music in the Aspect of Stylistic Modeling. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 98–105.
Music in the System of Culture
Author Biographies

Svetlana I. Khvatova, Institute of Arts of the Adyghe State University

Dr.Sci. (Arts), Professor, Head at the Department of the Art of Music and Choreography

Tatiana F. Shak, Krasnodar State Institute of Culture

Dr.Sci. (Arts), Professor, Head at the Department of Musicology, Composition and
Methods of Musical Education

Evgeny G. Shevlyakov, Rostov State S. V. Rachmaninoff Conservatory

Dr.Sci. (Arts), Professor at the Department of History of Music


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