On the Particular Commonalities of Compositional Approach in the Works of the St. Petersburg Classics

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This article presents an analysis of the commonalities of compositional approach in Igor Stravinsky’s Symphony
of Psalms, Sergei Prokofiev’s Alexander Nevsky cantata, and Dmitri Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 7. The features
of the St. Petersburg Classics’ object-oriented creative method are examined by means of conceptual pairing of
morpheme and morph. A description is provided of the morpheme of the event, and its morph of the prayer ritual, in
the first and third movements of the Symphony of Psalms. A comparison is drawn between the morph of the prayer
ritual and the morph of the enemy invasion in “The Battle on the Ice” from Alexander Nevsky and in the invasion
episode from the first movement of Symphony No. 7. In the “Crusaders in Pskov” section of Alexander Nevsky, the
textual realization of the morpheme of the environment has been traced, in the form of the morph of the Teutonic
The melodic, rhythmic, and textural resources in the morphic implementation of the morphemes of space,
motion, and dissonance, and the Janus morpheme, are revealed. Common approaches to choral and orchestral
writing are identified, as are similarities in melody and rhythm, which bond together these three masterpieces of
20th-century musical culture.

Keywords: Stravinsky, Prokofiev, Shostakovich, Symphony of Psalms, Alexander Nevsky cantata, Symphony No. 7,
morphological analysis, morph and morpheme in music.

Article Details

How to Cite
Glivinsky, V. V. (2019). On the Particular Commonalities of Compositional Approach in the Works of the St. Petersburg Classics. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 77–88. https://doi.org/10.17674/1997-0854.2019.1.077-088
International Division
Author Biography

Valery V. Glivinsky

Dr.Sci. (Arts), website: http://valeryglivinsky.academia.edu


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