Music of the Netherlands Within the Orbit of British Interests of the Early 20th Century

Main Article Content

Ekaterina D. Devyatko


The present work analyzes an article of British journalist and musical critic Herbert Antcliffe (1875–1964) “The
Renaissance of Dutch Music” published in 1925. The interest in the cultural life of the Netherlands contemporary
to him, a country bordering with Germany, which was hostile to the British, was an expression of the cultural polity
of Britain. The development of the musical culture of the Netherlands of the late 19th and early 20th century turned
out to be at the center of the critic’s attention. The cited period coincided with the movement of the “New English
Musical Renaissance.” Antcliffe indicates the themes which are important to him as a critic, as well as to the ascent of
the sense of national identity, premises of the emergence of a new Renaissance of Dutch music, and the advancement
of its leaders, the most important events and phenomena in the culture of the country of his interest (foundation of
the Wagner Society, the bloom of Dutch national literature, activation of concert life, etc.). Antcliffe characterizes
a number of peculiarities of Dutch music, crucial, in his opinion, which reflected the ideal foundation of the New
Renaissance in musical culture of “the land of tulips.” In historical perspective the examined article by Antcliffe is
viewed not as a local event of his biography, but a manifestation of the tendency of English musical historiography in
its juxtaposition to German musical historiography. Antcliffe’s work attracted attention to itself in the Netherlands by
its attempt at studying the musical life of the country at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Keywords: Herbert Antcliffe, sense of national identity, the Dutch musical culture, the Renaissance of Dutch
music, leaders of the Renaissance of Dutch Music, Alphonse Dipenbrock.

Article Details

How to Cite
Devyatko, E. D. (2019). Music of the Netherlands Within the Orbit of British Interests of the Early 20th Century. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 62–69.
History of Western Music
Author Biography

Ekaterina D. Devyatko, Petrozavodsk State A. K. Glazunov Conservatory

Post-graduate Student at the Department of Music History


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