The Musical Life of Vladivostok and the Regional Section of the Imperial Russian Musical Society (1909–1920)

Main Article Content

Yulia L. Fidenko


The article examines the ten-year-long activities of the Vladivostok Section of the Imperial Russian Musical
Society (IRMS) in the context of the cultural life of the city. The administrative and economic status of the main
outpost of the Russian Far East made it possible to accumulate towards the early 20th century a cultural potential
necessary for the formation of a cultural milieu. In 1909 upon the initiative of the local intelligentsia a new musical
infrastructure with governmental subsidy was created – a section of the IRMS. The local section immediately took
the leading position in the musical life of Vladivostok and the Primorsky Region, while the coordinating and material
assistance of the center were conducive to a purposeful preparation of musical personnel for teaching and concertizing
activities. Emphasis is made that among the cities of the Russian Far East Vladivostok possessed the most developed
and diverse organizational structure in the sphere of musical enlightenment and performance. A substantial influence
on the effective work of the local section of the IRMS was exerted by the directorship of the musical Society, which in
many ways determined the sociocultural field of the capital of the Primorsky Region of those years. The activities of the
Vladivostok Section were carried out as the result of the synthesis of the sociocultural processes of the Russian Empire
and the regional characteristic features and served as a foundation for musical-educational and cultural-enlightening
system within the country up to the present day.

Keywords: the musical culture of Russia, the Imperial Russian Musical Society (IRMS), professional musical
education, the musical life of Vladivostok.

Article Details

How to Cite
Fidenko, Y. L. (2018). The Musical Life of Vladivostok and the Regional Section of the Imperial Russian Musical Society (1909–1920). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 187–192.
Towards the 160th Anniversary of the Russian Musical Society
Author Biography

Yulia L. Fidenko, Far Eastern State Institute of Arts

Dr.Sci. (Arts), Professor at the Music History Department, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Music


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