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Information for Authors

Kinds of Published Works and their Priorities for the Journal

The journal “Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal'noy Nauki” accepts the following materials for publication:

  1. Articles reproducing the main research results in the field: 17.00.00 “Art Criticism”; 13.00.00 “Pedagogical Sciences”; 24.00.00 “Studies of Culture”.
  2. Scientific thematic reviews on topical issues of art history, pedagogy and studies of culture (on request of the editorial board).
  3. Reviews of Dissertation Council activities.
  4. Discussions under the heading “Opponent’s tribune”.
  5. Reviews of conferences, seminars, symposiums.
  6. Creative portraits of scientists.

The Procedure for Submitting a Manuscript to the Publishing House

Terms of Submission

  • The manuscript was not prior sent to another, as well as an article published in another journal (except in the abstract form or partially published lectures, dissertation abstracts or electronic preprints).
  • The manuscript is not in the state of examination for consideration of publication in another journal.
  • The decision of publication was made with the consideration of the opinions of all authors (in case of co-authorship).
  • Article may not be published elsewhere in the same form in English, Russian or other languages, including electronic form, without the written consent of the right holder (publisher).
  • The author has certain rights to reuse the work (see “Ethical Principles about Multifold (Repeated) Publications”).

The Order of Submission of the Authors’ Manuscripts to the Editorial Board

  1. The author submits the work to the editor-in chief for registration and internal review. The manuscript and accompanying materials may be submitted in electronic form (pmnufa@mail.ru).
  2. After previewing the editor-in-chief shall send the manuscript to experts for external review in correspondence with themes of the author’s manuscript, (the journal is based on the model of the “double-blind peer review”. (See “Rules of Peer Review Process”).
  3. In correspondence with the results of internal and external reviewing the editor-in-chief shall send recommendations on finalizing the text. The final date of submission of a text to the editorial board shall be considered to be the date of submission of the manuscript revised in correspondence with the critical remarks of the reviewer. The editorial board does not carry out stylistic or literary revision of the submitted manuscripts. A complete motivated denial of following the recommendations of the reviewers may be expounded by the author in writing. In such cases, the manuscript shall be sent for additional examination by the members of the editorial board, and new reviewers shall be appointed. If the author ignores the recommendations of the editorial board, the article shall not be published, about which the author shall be notified by a letter from the editor-in-chief with the argumentation of the reasons for the impossibility of publication of the article in its present form.
  4. After coordination with the author the editorial board shall send the manuscript for editorial revision. After making up the material and before submitting the manuscript to the publishing house the author shall be sent the text composition of articles for final approval.
  5. After the publication of the journal mandatory copies shall be delivered (according to the Federal Law “On Obligatory Copy of Documents № 77-F3), to the Information Telegraph Agency of Russia (Book Chamber) and to subscribers, to the founders among the institutes for higher education and freelance writers.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

All editions of the journal “Problemy Muzykal'noy Nauki” and each author’s article shall be necessarily assigned DOI. Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is used to ensure the citation references and links to electronic documents. Identifier DOI is  a unique structure string of alphanumeric characters. It is assigned to the document at the original publisher of electronic publication. ID assigned DOI never changes, therefore it is ideal to create a link to a document.

Requirements for the Design of Manuscripts and Attached Materials

  1. The typing of the text of the article is performed on a computer in the MS Word editor (A4 format; margins: top: 2 cm, bottom: 2 cm, left: 3 cm, right: 1.5 cm; one and a half spacing, 14th size, paragraph indent 1.25, Times New Roman, justified alignment). Pages are put down in the text of the article and the letter Ё is printed.
  2. The volume of the article is from 8 pages to 15 pages. The total volume includes abstract, keywords (in Russian and English), musical examples, illustrations, diagrams, applications, notes, list of references (in Russian and English).
  3. The structure of the article.

1) Start Page:

- initials and surname of the author
- full name of the place of work
- ORCID ID of the author
- article title

2) Abstract (from 150 to 250 words, included in the total volume) should reflect the content of the article and describe the main conclusions. The abstract should contain a brief repetition of the structure of the article, including the introduction, goals and objectives, methods, results, conclusion. The text of the abstract is published independently, in isolation from the main text and, therefore, the content of the article should be understandable without referring to the publication itself. The object, subject, purpose of the work are indicated only if they are not clear from the title of the article. The title of the article and the information contained therein should not be repeated in the text of the author’s summary.

3) Key words: 5-10 words.

4) The initials and surname of the author, full name of the work place, ORCID ID of the author, title of the article, abstract and key words in English.

The editors reserve the right, if necessary, to refine the abstract and information about the author, or to order a new version of the text to a full-time translator.

5) The Main Text of the Article

6) Gratitude, Appreciation. Such sections are common in the practice of foreign publishing houses. The section is usually located between the main text of the article and the bibliography. It should not be posted on the home page as a footnote to the title of the article or in any other way. It lists the persons who have provided any assistance to the author (s) in conducting the research, preparing the work (scientific advisers, editors, sponsors, founders of grants, etc.).

7) The List of Literature and References. The article without fail (requirement of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation) is accompanied by a List of literature from 5 to 15 titles, with the obligatory involvement of literature published in the last 10 years. In the output of publications, it is necessary to indicate the total volume of pages (for books) and the range of pages (for articles).

A separate block contains the same References in the Roman (Latin) alphabet - References. All titles repeat the Russian-language References. If the list contains foreign sources (of the Roman alphabet), they are completely repeated in References.

Each bibliographic reference is given in a transliterated version (translation of letters into the Latin alphabet). On the website http://translit.ru/, you can use the program for transliterating Russian text into Latin for free (you must select the BGN option) and quickly get an image of all letter matches.

All titles of articles (books, collections) must also be given in the English translation, which is placed in square brackets (see an example).

An example:
Kochukova E.V. Pavlova O.V. Raftopulo Iu.B. Sistema ekspertnykh otsenok vinformatsionnom obespechenii uchenykh [The Peer Review System in the Information Providing of Scientists] Informatsionnoe obespechenie nauki. Novye tekhnologii: Sb. nauch. tr. [Information Support of Science. New Technologies: Collected papers]. Moscow: Nauchnyi Mir, 2009, pp. 190-199.

8) Information about the author(s). At the end of the article, the full surname, name and patronymic of the author (s), ORCID ID, place of work, position (s), academic degree (s), e-mail address are given.

Literature links are given within the text in square brackets (for example: [12, p. 25]).

Citations in the text

It is necessary to make sure that all references given in the text are present in the bibliography (and vice versa).

All text highlights within quotations are specified in square brackets: [author's italics. - ....] or [italics mine. - ....]. The permissible volume of citations (correct borrowing) is no more than 30% of the total volume of the article. Reviews and other articles that, for objective reasons, require more citations, are considered by the editors on an individual basis. Articles, the content of which is more than 30% consistent with other scientific materials of the author (dissertation, abstract, monograph, previous publications in journals and collections), are not accepted for publication.

Graphic Images

Schemes, tables, photographs, figures are numbered and given with titles (signatures) or headings.

Illustrations, musical examples are made using computer graphics or photography. The typed musical text is converted into a drawing format with a resolution of 600 dpi. A note example must be accompanied by information arranged in the following order: on the left - continuous numbering (Example No. 1, etc.), on the right - the author with initials, the title of the work, its parts, etc.

Accompanying materials to the article (not included in the total volume)

 Information about the author is filled out in the form of a questionnaire. Author's profile

 The following information is indicated:

1) place of work and position related to the research interests of the author;

2) brief information about education, scientific degree (if you are a graduate student or a graduate student, only the name of your university and the topic are given);

The personal data of the author (s) are not published, they are necessary for dialogue with the editorial board.

Footnotes are supplementary, not the main text of the article, and the author should adjust their number. They must be numbered sequentially throughout the article. The footnote number is indicated in the text, and their list is placed separately at the end of the article in the form of Notes.

Manuscript Preparation for the International Department 

The journal publishes articles in English, as well as in the original language of the author with an editorial translation for the Russian-speaking reader.

Article Design

The text of the article is typed on a computer in MS Word: Times New Roman font, font size 14, line spacing one and a half; page margins: top, bottom, left and right - 2.5 cm; automatic hyphenation, width alignment. The volume of the article is allowed in two formats: 10 pages or 12.5 pages in the specified parameters, including musical examples, illustrations, diagrams, appendices, notes, bibliography, annotations and keywords.

At the beginning of the article, the name and surname of the author are indicated, as well as the name of the institution that he represents.

Links are placed after the body text (endnotes) in the form of Notes.

All text highlights within quotations are specified in square brackets: [author's italics. - ....] or [italics mine. - ....]. Literature references are given within the text in square brackets (for example: [12, p. 25]).

Schemes, tables, photographs, figures are numbered and given with titles (signatures) or headings.

Illustrations, musical examples are made using computer graphics or photography. The typed musical text is converted into a drawing format with a resolution of 600 dpi. A note example must have accompanying information about the author of the musical work, the title of the work, its part, etc.

A separate file is attached to the article: information about the author, contact details - surname, full name; full name of the place of work; work or home address; phone number, email address.

Abstracts are compiled by the authors in English. The volume is from 100 to 250 words.

The author's resume will be published independently, in isolation from the main text and, therefore, the content of the article should be understandable without referring to the publication itself. The title of the article and the information contained therein should not be repeated in the text of the author's resume.

Key words: 5-10 words.

Information about the author - short text, no more than 100 words in English. Below is a sample from Music Theory Pedagogy magazine:

Thomas Christensen is currently Assistant Professor of Music Theory at the University of Pennsylvania. His degrees in theory are from Boston University, University of Michigan, and Ph.D. from Yale University. He recently completed a year of study in Germany on a grant researching the reception of Rameau's theory among early 18th-century German music theorists. He has presented numerous papers at regional and national meetings and will have forthcoming articles published in the Journal of Music Theory and Music Theory Spectrum.

The authors of the articles are solely responsible for the accuracy and reliability of information, citations, references and references. Articles are pre-selected based on the submitted CVs.

Submitting Manuscripts

You can send the manuscript by e-mail: pmnufa@mail.ru addressed to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Problems of Musical Science / Music Scholarship" Shuranov Vitaly Alexandrovich.