Structural and Modal Specificity of Falaki Kulobi, the Genre of Traditional Music of Mountain Tajiks

Main Article Content

Farogat A. Azizi


Using the field recordings and transcriptions, the
author analyzes the genre of Tajik professional oral tradition
falak kulobi. The author emphasizes the structural
and modal characteristics of this genre and its influence
on formation of the system of Shashmaqom. Contrary to
the existing classification, based upon in geographic distribution,
the author champions the new classification of
traditional music of mountain and valley Tajiks which
makes use of anthropological methodology.

Keywords: ethnomusicology, Tajik traditional music,
maqom, falak, falaki dasti, falaki rogi, rubai, rubai gazel

Article Details

How to Cite
Azizi, F. A. (2009). Structural and Modal Specificity of Falaki Kulobi, the Genre of Traditional Music of Mountain Tajiks. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 4(1), 105–110. Retrieved from
Musical Culture of the Peoples of the World
Author Biography

Farogat A. Azizi, Tajik National T. Sattarov Conservatory

Candidate of Arts, Docent at the
Department of History and Theory of Music