The Fourth Symphony of Mikhail Smirnov. Upon Reading Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s Novel “The GULAG Archipelago”

Main Article Content

Anna V. Mugalimova


The article is devoted to the Fourth Symphony by the
composer of the Ural Mountains region, Mikhail Dmitrievich
Smirnov (1929–2006). Composed under the impression of
reading Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s novel, the symphony has a
subtitle inscribed by the composer: “Upon Reading Alexander
Solzhenitsyn’s Novel “The GULAG Archipelago.” Written in
1990, Smirnov’s composition presented itself as one of the first
artistic responses in symphonic music to the writer’s literary
heritage. In the first movement, the acuteness of the conflicting
collisions of images is carried to the highest level of tragedy. The
second movement presents a peculiar kind of Danse macabre.
The third movement comes close to resembling an instrumental
requiem. As one of the main stylistic peculiarities of the Fourth
Symphony, the author of the article emphasizes that the music
is based on one of the earliest historical genres of folk music –
the lamentation-cry, presenting a symbol of people’s suffering
and misfortune. The composer develops in the symphony the
intonational and thematic complex of the folk lamentation by
using the method of genre transformation. Thereby, a high level
of generalization of the tragic content is achieved.

Keywords: composers of Russia, Mikhail Smirnov,
symphony, lamentation-cry

Article Details

How to Cite
Mugalimova, A. V. (2014). The Fourth Symphony of Mikhail Smirnov. Upon Reading Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s Novel “The GULAG Archipelago”. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 70–77. Retrieved from
Musical Genre and Style
Author Biography

Anna V. Mugalimova, The Chelyabinsk Academy of Culture and the Arts

Post-graduate student at the Music History
and Music Theory Department


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