Mozart's Sonatas for Piano and Violin the Mirror of Editions

Main Article Content

Vyacheslav V. Yesakov


The article presents a comparative study of various editions
of Mozart's sonatas for piano and violin — those which
are commonly accepted by Russian students and concert performers.
The editions are categorized into Urtext, practical and hybrid
(combining the qualities of the above mentioned). Thus they are
introduced not only chronologically but also systematically. Each
edition is briefly described and the specific features of each are
shown on the few selected examples. The article underlines the
problems faced by the editors of Mozart's originals, including
the selection of particular sonatas, the necessity of correcting
performing remarks, and the adaptation of notation to modern
requirements. The author pays special attention to the properties
of musical text which can be modified by the editor.
The article is intended not only for theorists but also for
performers and students.

Keywords: musical text, musical edition, musical performance, interpretation, sonata

Article Details

How to Cite
Yesakov, V. V. (2008). Mozart’s Sonatas for Piano and Violin the Mirror of Editions. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 3(2), 123–130. Retrieved from
Musical Text and its Performer
Author Biography

Vyacheslav V. Yesakov, Moscow State Institute of Music named after A. Schnittke

Vyacheslav V. Yesakov is the Chair of the Department of
Chamber Ensemble, the associate professor of piano