Ivan Vyshnegradsky: Theory and Practice of Microtonality

Main Article Content

Natalya А. Gurenko


The article covers the works of one of the representatives
of Russian music avant-garde I. A. Wyshnegradsky.
Theory and practice of his oeuvre are connected with one
problem — the idea of microtonality. In his theoretical
writings the composer uses the term «continuum» in its
typological meaning. The analysis of pieces by
Wyshnegradsky points at the possibility to use the modal,
tonal and serial principles in the system of microtonality.
However new phonic quality of diffused sound come to
the foreground in this compositions.

Keywords: Ivan Vyshnegradsky, techniques of composition
of the 20th century, Russian avant-garde, musical
modernism, microtonality

Article Details

How to Cite
Gurenko N. А. (2009). Ivan Vyshnegradsky: Theory and Practice of Microtonality. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 4(1), 142–147. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/699
Technique of Composition of the 20th Century
Author Biography

Natalya А. Gurenko, Ural State Conservatory named after M. P. Mussorgsky

Natalya А. Gurenko is a postgraduate student at the Ural State